Darknik Dreadnought, plus new Shadow Tower Rewards!
Coming to a Shadow Tower near you with the Trove Eclipse is an epic upgrade that includes a new lobby, revamped reward system, and two new bosses! Join us on our July 28th livestream to get a look at what makes one of those bosses, the Darknik Dreadnought, tick with a dash of the new reward system for flavor.
Talk to us about the Dreaded Darknik Dreadnought and new Shadow Tower rewards on this forum thread.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2017/07/28/darknik-dreadnought-plus-new-shadow-tower-rewards/
Darknik Dreadnought
Long has Dr. Darknik sought power by using his brilliance as a tool of destruction but this is his terrifying masterpiece. Hoping to earn favor with the forces of shadow, Darknik placed his dastardly Dreadnought in the Shadow Tower to prevent Trovians from reaching the Daughter of the Moon.
The Dreadnought is like nothing you’ve ever seen in Trove before. It’s a five phase fight to the finish that tests the mettle of even the toughest Trovians. Avoid laser blasts, cleaving swings, AoE stomps and much more.
Pro-tip: Avoid the World Ender attack!
Shadow Tower Rewards
All your hard work does pay off with the revamped rewards system for Shadow Towers:
- Higher tier keys can be used to open more types of chests. Moon Keys can open both Normal & Hard Shadow Vaults, while Eclipse Keys can open any the loot chest in any difficulty.
- Find elite enemies in the Shadow Tower and take them down to earn a guaranteed Shadow Shard. Harder difficulties have a chance to drop more Shadow Shards.
- The Daughter of the Moon will drop Despoiled Divinity, a new type of reward currency. Use Hearts of Darkness, Titan Souls, Lunar Souls, and Despoiled Divinity to purchase awesome new rewards from the Shadowy Vendor.
This is just a taste of what is to come with Eclipse so be sure to tune in to our livestream every week and look for more articles showing off some of the big changes coming to Trove on August 22nd!