This week in Trove we’re enjoying the bright and sunny summer days! Take a gander at the new hotness!

The Dino Attack event enters its final week (ending at 4AM PDT on July 11th)! Conquer cold-blooded carnivores to collect cool loot! If you’re new to Trove you’ll need to finish the introductory quest chain to see the Dino Attack quests.

Dino Attack!

Top Chaos Chest loot this week is the Bon Bomba. This carbo loaded rocket is perfect for those Trovians with a sweet tooth and the need – the need for speed. In addition to being an awesome looking new mount it’s also a glider so you can also take the highway to the danger zone!

The tradable Chaos Chest rare item is the Starry Shmeep! This cosmically aware creature is the pinnacle of shmeepitude.

You’ll also get double Battle XP for winning Battle Arena PvP matches all week.

Enjoy this week in Trove and prepare yourselves for the arrival of Sunfest on July 11th!
Discuss this week in Trove on our forums.

This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.


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I'm looking forward to Sunfest!

Yea! sunfest will be sick

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