To celebrate St. Qubeslick's Day in Trove we are encouraging the Trove artists for the duration of the event to submit Qubesly related art.
- Create Trove related fan art that represents Qubesly in one of his many forms.
- Submit to the Trovesaurus Gallery with the tag Qubesly Contest
- All work must be your own
- Screenshots, builds, and manipulated images from the internet are not permitted
- Please sign your work with your character name or online handle to help identify it as yours and original
- Tuesday, March 14 to Tuesday, March 28
- 3 winners will be chosen by Trovesaurus to receive 3 Reward Tokens
- 6 entries chosen at random will receive 1 Reward Token
Rewards will be distributed through the Trovesaurus Rewards system. Reward amounts are subject to change based on participation.
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