Xbox One Beta Update
Hi folks. Thanks again for all your help in testing out Trove as we move closer to our official launch! We wanted to give all of our Xbox One players an update on the beta and beyond.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2017/02/13/xbox-one-beta-update/
Original Plan
We had originally planned to have a small update on Xbox One to address some stability issues and bugs as we move through beta. We rolled out the patch on PlayStation 4, along with some additional fixes for stability issues that were much more prevalent on the PS4 version.
Found Additional Issues
While there’s more work to do, the patch brought the PS4 version of Trove more in line with the Xbox One versions stability. Unfortunately, we also discovered a couple new bugs, including one that caused Emblems to stop working properly. We were able to find the root cause of these bugs and get them fixed fairly quickly.
Stability Patch Merged with Launch Patch
Rather than certifying this smaller, updated stability patch on Xbox One (and risking delaying launch) we’re going to create one patch that contains the stability updates, many bug fixes, and improvements such as the improved Loot Collector and Crafting Inventory, and get the submission for launch underway – which means we’re not that far out from official launch.
Patch Notes Coming
Once we’ve announced the official launch date and locked in the final launch build with Microsoft we’ll post a full list of updates and fixes coming with launch so everyone can see just how many fantastic improvements are on the way.
We’re incredibly grateful to all of you for your support and feedback during beta and can’t wait until you see what’s next!
The Trove Team