Make sure you have those material maps ready! (If you need them)

If you have glowing solids and/or glass (both or combined) you are going to need to set up your model with these parts. If you try to export the whole model without separating each part, you cannot edit the materials within that model.

Step 1: Make copies of the model depending on what materials are present.

Make a copy of you model (Keep an original) and rename them into the materials that you are using in your model.

  • [ModelName]_Solid.qbcl
  • _Glass.qbcl or _Glass_##.qbcl
    • If there are variants to the opacity of each glass object be sure to number them.
  • _Glowing.qbcl
  • _GlowingGlass.qbcl

Now you'll notice that there isn't one for metallics. As much as I've done this, I couldn't figure out how to make the material in Blender. I will update this tutorial once I've figured it out.

Step 2: Remove any voxels that AREN’T part of the material.

Go into each file and select+delete voxels that don’t belong. You can delete any parts of the model that doesn’t have the material.

Ex. The Elysian Knight’s Sword tip is the only thing that is Glowing Glass. So I deleted everything else from the model.

Warning! You HAVE to keep the model in its original place! You’ll see why when we start exporting the model.


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