Interested in making your own rendered images? Click here to get more in what you need and what to expect in this tutorial series.
Since people are interested in knowing how I do my render images, I decided to make this tutorial. This will allow you to generate models for doing great art, promoting your mods, and also showcasing any new ideas you have in mind with a brand new rig. Now I’m still fairly new on Blender so I don’t know everything, so this is just how I would render. With that in mind, let’s get started!
Here are the programs that I will be using in this tutorial, but there are always some alternatives.
- Qubicle Version 2.0 (I’m using the older version of Qubicle… I assume that you have some knowledge of Qubicle so I won’t be explaining too much in the creation process.)
- Blender Version 2.76b or later (I will give some insight on navigating and some keyboard shortcuts since there are so many buttons to play with. Also if you have a number pad it makes things a whole lot easier. Otherwise, I can’t help you there…)
- Photoshop CS6 (You can use some other photo editing program. All I’m doing with this program is adding a stroke and making a shadow using layers with changed opacity.)
- Chapter 1: Constructing your Model
- Chapter 2: Setting Up your Model for Material Maps
- Chapter 3: Exporting from Qubicle and Importing into Blender
- Chapter 4: Setting up Before Positioning
- Chapter 5: Positioning your Model
- Chapter 6: Finalizing the image
- Chapter 7: Adding VFX using Photoshop (WIP)
- Chapter 8: Creating A Scene (WIP)
Page Change Log
- Feb. 12, 2017
- Created Page
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