Thanks everyone for continuing to be a part of this community, I've been super busy this month and haven't been able to work on as much as I've wanted to. However things did get done, keep reading for the list of changes.
- You can now translate the site, and change your site language
- Usernames can no longer differ from character names, all usernames have been updated to your character names.
- Comment replys no longer display the full profile picture, and no longer are indented as much.
- Classes page now displays random class art
- Classes sidebar now has tooltips for classes
- You can now add videos to class pages
- Adjusted tooltip widths so they appear smaller
- Adjusted the user bar at the top of the site to be cleaner
- Added a search button to help mobile users
- Fixed Google Search not returning results on the search page since we used the new url format
- We now try and keep track of accepted user mods thanks to SkyRider3217
- Adjusted appearance of the Gold / Donate / Class Coin offerings on the sidebar
- The Database and Streams navigation menu items now appear closer to the nav bar to prevent confusion
- You can now submit market value on item pages, you can also state that an item cannot be sold on the marketplace.
- Adjusted style of h4 to more accurate reflect its weight
- Added tabs for Current and Upcoming events.
- Pages listed on the sidebar, Related Pages, Guides and other small versions have a new appearance.
- Mail and Notifications on the top-right are now modal boxes and no longer bump content down the page
- Added a Contests database, and a way to store the current contests in a better way
- Added Current Contest rotation information to Today in Trove
- You can now log in from multiple locations without having to send an email each time (you'll still need to confirm via email the first time, and then you are logged in for 30 days on the device you are using)
- Market values now reported as no-trade are now added to a queue where mods can confirm and remove all reports and options to set market values for an item.
- You can now see recent finished events on the side calendar
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