Over the next 2 weeks we are collecting the market price for numerous collection items that you can find on the marketplace. The more prices you set, the higher your chance of winning a Trove Pack.


  • Set collection items lowest Flux price seen on the Marketplace

Note: The more prices you enter, the higher your chances of winning.

Note: Each user can only set a collection prices once per day. (Updated)


  • Monday August 22 to Monday, September 5


  • At least 10 winners will be chosen at random to receive a Trove Pack.


How to set a price

On a collection page there is a section for Market Values, and Report Market Value. If you are logged in you enter a Flux amount.

How to view progress

http://www.trovesaurus.com/marketpromo will show recent values and the leaderboards and chances.


Please note that users who enter massively inaccurate values will be removed from the contest and lose the ability to enter future ones.

Comments and Likes Comments 41

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Good luck guys!

Can I ask that the prices for Momoonga be deleted from the database? Momoonga is not tradable, so all of those entries must be made up anyway, and it is irritating that the queue function keeps giving me Momoonga (which I assume happens because there are existing price entries).

only if they would listen

The queue is presenting it to you because the game recognises it has the ability to be sold on the marketplace due to having a tradeable item with the same name. I should at some point add the ability to flag items are definitely not tradeable.

Oh, I didn't realize there was a tradeable version of Momoonga. Maybe the prices came from a valid listing after all then, although I'd be surprised if somebody with a (presumably very rare) tradable Momoonga were to list it for only 15,000 flux!

Your response suggests to me that the data for the tradability of items is coming directly from the game somehow--I'm curious about this but I don't know what questions to ask!

In the game files there are "collection" version of items, the entries you see in your collections list, and "item" version of them, ones which go in your inventory.

I force everyone to go to the collections version of a page behind the scenes, so there isn't confusion. But I do a check when they are on the collections page if there is an item entry for it, and if so I display the prices tool.

Now there are some cases where there are items but the collection has been made untradeable, I'll have to flag this somewhere.

As for Momoonga, what a spelling. I did wipe those prices based on me checking a secondary source (the wiki) and it saying not tradeable. But I could always be wrong.

Ok, good to know the extra details. FYI, my source for Momoonga being untradable is just hovering over it in the shadow tower merchant--it says right there that it is not tradable. Still, that doesn't preclude the possibility that there was another, tradeable version of Momoonga that is exactly the same except for that detail (maybe a dev contest prize or something).

done a few :3


oh That con or what it is is new for me is should be nice to win(:!





Question: is there going to be a limit of one prize per participant, or will it be possible to win multiple prizes? I'm wondering if each price added is like a ticket going into a box, and when your ticket gets drawn, is only that one removed, or are all your tickets pulled out?

"Set collection items average Flux price seen on the Marketplace"

So..add up all the Flux price of said item and divide the outcome by how many there are?

Updated the instructions to lowest

I love the updated Market Promotion Tools page--the queue is a particularly cool addition! Is ther anything special we need to know about the changes?

I was also wondering if there was something special you would want us to do when an item has no listings. Would entering a flux value of 0 or 999999 (the max Trove will allow) be helpful in some way, or is it best to just skip it?

Just a few more thoughts on the queue:


2) It doesn't seem to include any allies--can these be added?

3) After a while the items I have skipped (because there were none for sale) get annoying--they keep coming up again, sometimes twice in a row. Could this be updated to make skipped items not show up again in your personal queue for something like 15-60 minutes?

4) I really do love it. I managed to get a lot more entries done today, and was able to accomplish more other stuff while doing it (I fish and keep an eye on my own marketplace listings while checking prices.) Really great feature!

Actually, thinking again I swear the queue gave me at least one ally early on. When I did entries yesterday I did allies first, so they're all more than 24 hours ago now, so I'm not sure why I'm not getting more of them coming up in the queue now. Weird.

Allies should exist, what the queue does is it grabs the 50 collection items that haven't been updated in the longest, shuffles them, and then checks for the first one you haven't updated in a day. If you are super active I could see there being some problems showing things.

No listings, or listings for Chaos Chest (high value flux) are super hard to decide what to do with. For now, no listings shouldn't be tracked, and chaos chest value also shouldn't be tracked. Since I'm going for pure Flux value collection.

I think I see the problem now. If it's looking at the 50 items that have gone the longest without being updated, but the allies get updated frequently, then they never make that top 50 list. Once I have updated all of the top 50 that have listings, I only get repeats of the 10 or so that have gone a long time without updates, but have no listings now, so I can't update them and get them out of the top 50 list.

What would be ideal is if it looked first at what I haven't updated for over 24 hours, and then grabbed the top 50 of those that have gone the longest without updates, but I assume that woud be a much uglier programming task since the top 50 list would have to be generated for each user instead of globally.

Ok, I have come up with a workaround for my problem with the queue, but please let me know if you think it will cause major problems!

When something comes up that isn't listed in the Marketplace, I enter a value of 999,999 for it. To avoid skewing the dataset overall, though, at the end of each session of using the queue I go down my "Your Submissions" list and open each item with a value of 999,999 and remove that value from the item.

I experimented a bit, and if I remove the value immediately the item goes back into the pool of "50 items that have gone the longest without updates" so to be able to skip them entirely I have to leave a placeholder price in place until I am done entering other data. One benefit to this however is that it means that my placeholder prices don't cause the system to think that the item has been updated recently, so it will still show up in the queue for others after I am done, and will still get priority (assuming a listing does appear in the marketplace!)

Great contest idea! I've been collecting some data myself for my market-flipping purposes (following Aviana's wonderful guide), although most of it is for items that aren't collectibles. Still, I have a good idea of how to do this very quickly and it's working nicely so far!

Do you mind telling us what you plan to do with all the data at the end of the contest? I'm sure the number of points in the end will be huge, but I for one would be very interested in having access to the full dataset, including the time each price was posted, for statistical analysis purposes. This is sort of what I've been doing with my own price data, but on a much smaller scale.

I think I'm going to keep it rolling after the promotion. Random prizes for contributors during that period. People are welcome to the data, but fair warning it's user entered, I try and catch bad ones but people can enter what they like.

That's ok, I can run some filters to clean up bad data. Any really high or really low points generally need to go--they're going to be either typos, intentionally incorrect submissions, or outliers--case in point, my entry for the Mahogan Toboggan a little while ago, which was well over double the average price--I know that it's correct, but I'm also sure that it just represents all the reasonably priced items having sold out and nobody jumping in to fill the void yet.  For any practical purposes (for buying or selling) these outliers are useless anyway, regardless of the reason for their presence in the dataset.

Is this data going to be displayed soewhere? Because an item can turn from epensive to cheap in a single week.

The data is currently displayed on the page you submit it on.

Where is the collection page?

Use one of the directories such as Mounts, or just type in the name of a mount or something in the search bar.

If you enter the price for an item a second time does that count as a second entrie ???

Once per week?

Updated to once per day, may change based on feedback.

There are a few individual pages that don't have the option to add a market value. (Ex. Ancient Scales)

Will this be implemented before the contest finishes? Or will it not be added since the values will most likely not be updated after the contest finishes?

If things go smoothly I could roll that out for next fortnight as a contest.

So just to be clear, when I put what is the lowest price of the item in report and then after few days I need uptade that price again for each item what I have reported, right ?

Enter the lowest flux price you see, and move on to another item. you can return later and update it if you feel like it.

Just reaslised i miss tryped a cupple is there aryway to take it back?


There is now

yup I'm officaly stupid I can't find th page where I can put in the Market values xD

Oh I thought it was simple :(

For example if you were adding the price of a Meownt you would go to the Meownt page and add the price: https://www.trovesaurus.com/collections/mount/cat_basic 

It could be really dificult to set some of the items. Now there is a price but tomorrow could be higher of lower. Are we need to put the most common or the average=(minimum+maximum)/2??

Useful feedback, I could justify lowering the repost time from 1 week to 3 days or something, but I suspect outside of this contest it won't be kept up to date.