Happy anniversary!

It’s been an amazing year and we wanted to take a closer look at the thing that binds us all together: the community. Clubs are a place in Trove where players from around the world can find common ground. We build, we adventure, we chat. Clubs are the foundation upon which everything rests, and some of those Clubs have been here since the beginning. We’re going to take a look at just a few of these Clubs, starting with Garden of Wool.

Tell us a bit about yourself. How did you decide on your online handle?

Sheepski was then one of many character names I’ve used over the years. After the Shmeep mounts were introduced, I tried to change to Shmeepski, but it was taken, so I became Shmeeps.

Do you have a favorite item built in the Garden of Wool Club World? Which one? What’s the story behind it?
There are so many great builds that the architects and officers have worked on over the months (and still building more!) but I think the most meaningful to me would be the big red dragon. I’ve always loved dragons, and the member (at the time) who built that; Ylva, based the dragon on the Welsh flag, so it became very special to me, as well as being a stand out build that can ‘wow’ new visitors.


What was the first guild/club you ever created in any video game?
The first guild I ran, I inherited from the leader who quit. It was called Zero Zero and was in Guild Wars 1, and was my very first online game.

How was that experience (being part of a guild for the first time)?
It was a steep learning curve, I hadn’t really understood yet what made a good guild or how to properly run it, but there was a really great community there and the game was very conducive to playing together, so I built it up slowly but surely. I’m a good organiser and planner, so was able to manage the affairs quite easily. I was quite proud that we joined one of the major guild alliances for a long time and had a strong guild.

How did you hear about Trove?
I saw Trove on the day it launched on Steam. It popped up and I thought it looked fun, cute and interesting, and being free it allowed me to just hop in and see for myself!

What inspired you to found Garden of Wool?
Well, initially it was the thread quest to join a club! But I was playing with a couple of irl and online friends at the time, so we already had a decent starting point for a nice community. Originally it was just called Club Sheep, but as it became something I was more serious about running (about a month later) we moved everyone over to what was my farming club; Garden of Wool, and started building the club world from there. From day 1 however, I was always focused on having mature, respectful people around the club, making the community aspect shine and being a home for members within Trove.

Have any favorite Garden of Wool stories to share?
I think the best memory of being in Garden of Wool would have been over the holiday period last winter. One of my officers (Voltrabbit) and I created a scavenger hunt involving rabbits and sheep, as well as a couple of other little competitions (called Rabbit Runaround) and opened the event up to the wider Trove forum community. We put up some pretty nice prizes at the time and had a lot of interest/entries. The whole community seemed to have joined in, and I felt a part of something very special. All of our club members were very excited and helped out in the club world, answering questions and simply being a positive, friendly place and we actually gained quite a few new members through the event, and from there our club community really grew to another level.


What do you look for in club members?
We always look for people who can fit into our community really. We maintain that respectful but fun atmosphere at all times so we require people to fit into that. Other than those requirements, we just try to have people interact with the club, as we do lots of events and group activities, and we have a lot of long term members who have become friends within the club. It’s always a pleasure to log on and see familiar names and faces to chat with!

If you had to live inside of a Club World (other than Garden of Wool) for one week (like a Tron deal) which one would it be and why?
I think my favourite club world in Trove would have to be Dragon. They have such a great style of build, and obviously lots of dragons! The world is huge and so well put together/planned that I could live there!

My thanks to Shmeeps for taking the time to answer my questions, and a special thanks to the whole Garden of Wool club for being with us from the beginning! They are celebrating one year on July 17th, so please drop by and say hello!

This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.

Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2016/07/18/cubic-creations-garden-of-wool/

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