Trove Anniversay – Birthday Build Bonanza!
Greetings Trovians! The Club Worlds in Trove are astonishing examples of what can be achieved when players work together for a common goal. Now we want to challenge each of you to celebrate the one year anniversary of Trove with the creativity and skill we’ve come to know and love!
Gather your Club Architects and build something in your Club World that is anniversary or birthday themed. It can be either, it can be both, it can be big or small, the key is creativity.
The event begins right now! The entries must be received by Friday, July 22, 2016 at 12PM PDT (7PM GMT).
There are no winners or losers here, but we (myself and members of the dev team) will pick some of the most creative entries to show off on the livestream. We’ll also create a blog to show off some of the entries and will promote them on Twitter/Facebook.
While we’re there we’ll also throw a piñata party and your Club Leader will be given 5 codes for a piñata party to throw a celebration of your artistic prowess whenever you want! The codes will each grant a Club Phone and 100 piñatas! There is no limit on how many entries we can pick. It might be two, it might be less than two, it might be more than two. It’s a total mystery!
You can submit a screenshot, GIF, or video clip showing off your creation. The sky’s the limit! All entries must be actual in game creations. It can be something that already exists but fits the theme or a brand new creation that you start after reading this blog. Post all entries here on our official forum post.
When you submit an entry make sure to include how to get to your Club so we can check it out!
Thanks everyone. Have fun!
This article was automatically generated from official news posts, it may be expanded later.
Source: http://www.trionworlds.com/trove/2016/07/15/trove-anniversay-birthday-build-bonanza/