It's a new month and Alycia has sent the final product of Class Art #2 the Revenant. I think she's done a fantastic job and the armor detailing and head look great.
Please let us know what you think about it, and join us for the Class Art #3 vote at the bottom of the page.
You can find more work by Alycia at the following:
The aim of the class art project is to create high quality art of a similar style for all the classes in the game. For this we had to choose a single artist, but that doesn't mean we don't love and want to support all the others.
I'm pleased with how the piece came out, though it was another rather dark one - I'm hoping the next pick will be something I can put a lot of light and colour in to! I'm very happy with the "head", and I surprised myself with the armor - its something I usually struggle with. I hope everyone enjoys the artwork, and I look forward to the next class!!