Duraveln - the Bamboo DragonTrove Pack

250 8500 Credits 34 Credits per Mastery

Meet Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit. Invite him to join you today!

* Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit
* 33 Greater Dragon Caches
* 333 Dragon Coins
* 3 Diamond Dragonite Pouches

50 Patron Points!

https://trovesaurus.com/pack/duraveln---the-bamboo-dragon | https://trovesaurus.com/pack=200 |


공허한 영혼, 듀라벨른
[Duraveln, the Hollow Spirit]

Natural armor harder than steel, Duraveln rides brave against onslaught eternal. Having this Dragon unlocked grants a permanent +15% Max Health, +500 Magic Damage and +50 Magic Find.



드래곤 코인
[Dragon Coin] x333

Used to hatch Dragons at the Dragon Crucible in the Hub.

Acquire by doing challenges or from the Dragon tab in the store (Press [HK:Store] Key).

다이아몬드 드래고나이트 주머니
[Diamond Dragonite Pouch] x3

A tradable pouch containing 10 Diamond Dragonite. Diamond Dragonite itself is not tradable!

큰 드래곤 은닉품
[Greater Dragon Cache] x33

Contains 10 or more Dragon Coins, and rarely a complete dragon!