
Llama de dragón purificadora x3

Crafting Material used to forge Radiant equipment.

Craftable at the Dragon Crucible.

Ojo de Q'bthulhu x999

Forging Material.

Found rarely as a drop from invaders and by Loot Collecting rare equipment.

Flujo x9,999

Crafting Material.

Gain Flux from using the Loot Collector on equipment.

Alma sombría biforjada x2

Rare Crafting Material.

Obtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 2 equipment.

Alma sombría triforjada x2

Rare Crafting Material.

Obtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 3 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Twice-Forged Shadow Souls.

Alma sombría tetraforjada x3

Rare Crafting Material.

Obtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 4 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Thrice-Forged Shadow Souls.

Alma sombría pentaforjada x3

Rare Crafting Material.

Obtained from Loot Collecting Shadow Level 5 equipment. Can also be crafted at the Shadowy Market with Quad-Forged Shadow Souls.