
Turkey is a npc found in the following biomes: Event ,

It uses the NPC Rig: turkey and NPC Group: mob_turkey .

Dev Tracker 16
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Turkey"

Preview: /> Greetings, Trovians! Turkeytopia returns to Trove, and with it c Show

Greetings, Trovians!

Turkeytopia returns to Trove, and with it comes some fowl company! Those sneaky gobblers have escaped once again... so it's up to you to take them to tasty task between November 19 and December 3 (3 AM PST/11 AM UTC).

Take on the Dream Gobblers in Dragonfire Peaks!

Burn these birds to a crisp and your bravery will be well rewarded: these tricky turkeys drop Turfoku, the main ingredient for Qubesly's Family Recipe! Follow its guidance to cook up a Turkey Cornucopia, a powerful new food that'll spice up your life. Dream Gobblers also have a chance to drop the seasonal Turkey Stuffin' Box, which can net you a Trotting Turkey mount or the Wings of Unexpected Ascension. Pretty good reasons to raise havoc in Dragonfire Peaks, right?

This year's festivities bring with them a new friend, the Cranberry Pilotl. This charming ally awaits you in Turkeytopia's adventure chain, along with other tantalizing rewards!

Be sure to log in every day for your daily rewards and so that you can feast upon the fun that awaits you!

Preview: ="Quote" /> Originally Posted by TreTurkey Show

Quote Originally Posted by TreTurkey View Post
When i asked somethign in the global chat this dude asked me if i was from Turkey beacuese i am from Turkey i said yes.

What am i supposed to do with this typed of players? screnshot and send a ticket to trove support ?

Edit: Picture removed.
I removed the quotes from the player. You should definitely report them via support ticket. You can attach the pictures there as well. We'll take care of it. Sorry you had to deal with that.

Hotfix - November 23 Fasti / Trove Forums

Preview: manded. Dragonfire Peaks is stuffed with turkey so it's not an ideal spot for Challenges. W Show

Hotfix - This update is being pushed out to servers now. There's no downtime needed.
  • The Wings of Unexpected Ascension were accidentally smuggling a Class Coin in the claimable pair from the Trove Store. They've had that coin removed and have been properly reprimanded.
  • Dragonfire Peaks is stuffed with turkey so it's not an ideal spot for Challenges. We've removed DFP from the Challenge rotation while Turkeytopia is live.

Preview: oiler Alerts: • Trotting Turkey rarely drop from Turkey Show

Thanks for calling this out! Looks like I went with a just slightly older draft.

My mistake, but getting it fixed now. Spoiler Alerts:

• Trotting Turkey rarely drop from Turkey Stuffin’ Boxes
• Springing Turkey rare loot from Uber difficulty Dream Gobblers
• Appeased Dream Gobbler
• Ready Roast crafted at the Turkeytopia Table
• Roast Rider also craftable at the Turkeytopia Table
• Turbo Turkey magrider rare loot from Uber difficulty Dream Gobblers

Preview: om/trove/wp-content/uploads/sites/7/2016/11/Turkeytopia_blog.jpg" border="0" alt="" /> Show

Turkeytopia returns to Trove, but this time it’s personal. The Dragonfire Peaks are alive with the sound of turkeys. These aggressive avians are in a fowl mood and the molten lava pits have them stewing in their own juices!

The techno-turkey invaders are more aggressive than ever and pack one heck of a wallop!

Survive the devastating knockback attack and take down the powerful poultry to earn Turkey Stuffin’ Boxes for lots of seasonal loot.
  • Pumpkins
  • Glim
  • Festive Turkeytopia hats
  • Rare mounts
  • 13 seasonal recipes

Take on all new Turkeytopia objectives to get into the holiday spirit. Gathering together in Trove beats IRL because we bring phat loot: Gem Booster Boxes, a Ninth Life Booster, 25 Diamond Dragonite, and more!

We have a mountain of new and classic Turkeytopia mounts available as well.
  • Appeased Dream Gobbler crafted at the Turkeytopia Table from the Trotting Turkey mount
  • Roast Rider crafted at the Turkeytopia Table
  • Trotting Turkey rarely drop from Turkey Stuffin’ Boxes
  • Springing Turkey rare loot from Uber difficulty Dream Gobblers
  • Ready Roast crafted at the Turkeytopia Table
  • Turbo Turkey magrider

Take the fight to these turkeys, knock the stuffing out of them, and harvest up a veritable cornucopia of loot!

Preview: class="postcontent restore"> Turkeytopia There is a spec Show

  • There is a special series of objectives granting 5 gem booster boxes, an Empowered Gem box, 2 Battle Boxes, 5 Re-gemerators, a Ninth Life, and 25 Dragonite! But act quick; these only last for 2 weeks.
  • The Wings of Unexpected Ascension are back! Any player who has purchased anything ever can get a free pair of turkey wings in the Store. If this is not you... there will never be a better deal!
  • Shadow turkeys have invaded. These are now the normal invaders and can also be found in the Dragonfire Peaks. Defeat them, collect the box, and craft all new turkey themed mounts.
  • The Hub has been redecorated for the Turkeytopia festivities!

  • Language selection priority is now given to the Settings menu instead of Glyph.

Club Permissions
  • Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
  • Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.
  • Restrict ranks that can terraform to Officer and Leader.

Store Changes
  • Three great new Packs are now in the store. The Dark Dungeoneer, Firey Fighter, and Celestial Champion will give you style as well as power.
  • These packs are designed for new players, so act now if you want them because they'll be disappearing in a future patch for existing players!

Item Renames
  • Recipe: Tolling Bell -> renamed to Recipe: Dangling Doorbell
  • Recipe: Draconic Lantern -> renamed to Recipe: Dragon Lantern
  • Recipe: Robot Egg -> renamed to Botnik Egg
  • Recipe: Sweepy Shroomling -> renamed to Beddy Sweepy Shroomling
  • Recipe: Monitor -> renamed to NED Display
  • Recipe: Permafrost Tundra Snow Cube -> renamed to Permafrost Snow Cube
  • Roboclock Radio -> renamed to Circadian Cadencer
  • Techie Table Segment -> renamed to Tech Table Segment
  • Metal Window Frame -> renamed to Optics-Enhanced Partition

Additional Updates
  • Daily dragonite rewards now expire after 24 hours.
  • Fix copies of placeable object previews reappearing in worlds if you'd left that world while in build mode.
  • Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class gem.
  • Supersampling settings no longer affect projectile targeting.
  • Lil Pup has had his mastery removed. The Skyfire Crown has moved to the Stash Exclusive category and can now be unlocked using Super Style Stashes.
  • The mastery contest now gives 300 pinatas to each of the top 10 instead of 999 to top 1.
  • Snare VFX removed from Neon Ninja's Shadow Flip.

Preview: class="postcontent restore"> Turkeytopia Earn great loot Show

  • Earn great loot by making a great holiday meal and sharing it with your guests! Players who have completed their golden thread objectives will see a special series of objectives granting 5 gem booster boxes, an Empowered Gem box, 2 Battle Boxes, 5 Re-gemerators, a Ninth Life, and 25 Dragonite! But act quick; these only last for 2 weeks.
  • The Wings of Unexpected Ascension are back! Any player who has purchased anything ever can get a free pair of turkey wings in the Store. If this is not you... there will never be a better deal!
  • The Hub has been redecorated in preparation for the Turkeytopia festivities!

  • Language selection priority is now given to the Settings menu instead of Glyph.

Club Permissions
  • Zone Restrictions now applied to existing zones when terraforming.
  • Fix for higher-ranks not being able to modify zones whose permissions had allowed lower ranking club members to modify the zone.

Item Renames
  • Recipe: Tolling Bell -> renamed to Recipe: Dangling Doorbell
  • Recipe: Draconic Lantern ->renamed to Recipe: Dragon Lantern
  • Recipe: Robot Egg -> Renamed to: Botnik Egg
  • Recipe: Sweepy Shroomling -> Renamed to: Beddy Sweepy Shroomling
  • Recipe: Monitor -> Renamed to: NED Display
  • Recipe: Permafrost Tundra Snow Cube -> Renamed to: Permafrost Snow Cube
  • Roboclock Radio -> renamed to: Circadian Cadencer
  • Techie Table Segment -> renamed to Tech Table Segment
  • Metal Window Frame -> renamed to Optics-Enhanced Partition

Additional Updates
  • Daily contest rewards now expire after 24 hours.
  • Fix copies of placeable object previews reappearing in worlds if you'd left that world while in build mode.
  • Removed exploit tied to a combat effect that is granted with the Candy Barbarian class gem.
  • Supersampling settings no longer affect projectile targeting.

Preview: we're strongly considering also making the Turkeytopia and Shadow's Eve boxes be able Show

Hey guys, as with everything not implemented this is all subject to change, but I wanted to give an early warning in case we do patch this in and so the economy can take the risk of this change into account.

With the upcoming Snowfest holiday we're going to introduce the Snowfest Mystery Box. This box will drop relatively often through adventuring (100% out of U5 SA chests and down from there, also from the world) and will have recipes, styles, and a mount and mag rider as the rare drops.

In addition we're adding to the store a 'Golden Holiday Key' which you can use to open a box and just get one of the two rare drops. So if you want to defeat the RNG you can, and if you're down to open a bunch of boxes, you can do that too.

That said, we're strongly considering also making the Turkeytopia and Shadow's Eve boxes be able to use this key as well. This means you'd be able to use a key to get either the Turkey mount or Samatha. We want to make sure that the value of playing the game stays high, and so this key won't be cheap, but it will be an avenue for someone who wasn't around during those events to go back (as long as they can find someone with a box) and use it to get access to those goods.

That said, we aren't done with this feature yet - but I wanted to let our trading mavens have an early warning so the prices on these rare goods (and the boxes) can adjust to take into account the risk of these potential upcoming changes.

There's crafting stations in the giant hat next to the Adventure Tower.

Block Friday has arrived in Trove, wiping 50% off ALL Starter Packs now through Dec. 1!

Scoop up new Classes, Credits, Costumes, and more for half-off – and all from the comfort of home – then join us in Turkeytopia to celebrate the holiday season with new hats, bouncing turkey mounts, and a variety of holiday recipes.

Shop Starter Packs and save today!

Preview: e nifty items it brings! Celebrate turkeys by placing them on your head, bouncing aro Show

Trove’s fall festival has arrived, and you’ll want to gobble up all the nifty items it brings!

Celebrate turkeys by placing them on your head, bouncing around on one, or stopping to admire the truly majestic specimen on its perch in the Hub. Collect Turkeytopia Mystery Boxes from Shadow Arenas all week, or stock up on the in-game store – each one holds a variety of turkey-themed decoration recipes, turkey helms, or even the Turkey Ball mount.

Enjoy the holiday weekend, Trovians!