Hydra is a npc found in the following biomes: Shadow Titan ,
It uses the NPC Rig: None Found! and NPC Group: mob_boss_hydra .
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Hydra"
Preview: ug as other players are able to take on the Hydra without crashing. Be sure to Show
Hey there,
This is a tech issue more than a bug as other players are able to take on the Hydra without crashing. Be sure to submit as ticket and work with the support team to troubleshoot this issue. I'm moving the topic to tech support for better visibility.
Preview: div> And where is Hydra> Show
Preview: te class="postcontent restore"> 1. Shadow hydra was animated but not rdy for game, so no ETA Show
1. Shadow hydra was animated but not rdy for game, so no ETA.
2. there was this dancing squirrel shown(ExtraLife ally):
Click for awkward moment.
and this little gem as a follow up:
Click to have your mind blown!
thanks as always for the notes!