
Boot is a npc found in the following biomes: Shores of the Everdark, Shadow Dungeon,

It uses the NPC Rig: boot and NPC Group: mob_boot .

  • Shores of the Everdark
  • (soon: next patch) Shadow Towers 
Dev Tracker 15
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Boot"

Preview: i> Treibmingo – Flamingo schwimmendes Boot (Super süß) Hakenschnursink Show

Langsam wird es warm, die Sonne zeigt sich immer mehr und die Badesaison beginnt!
Träumt ihr auch von einem Urlaub am Strand, mit Cocktails, dem Meer und vielen Kindern, die Sandburgen bauen und im Sand spielen? In Trove geben wir euch die Gelegenheit dazu!

Das Super Sommer Event beginnt am Anfang des trovianischen Tages am 9. Juni und endet zum Anfang des trovianischen Tages am 23. Juni!

Was ihr beim Super Sommer Event zu machen habt? Das ist super easy! Logt euch ein und schließt die komplette Event Abenteuerreihe ab, um mega Belohnungen abzusahnen!

Aber das ist noch nicht alles! Wir haben außerdem noch in unserem Shop ein mega sonniges Sommer Paket für euch vorbereitet!

Unser Sommer Paket beinhaltet:
  • Flitterflatter der Flatterer – Insektenreittier des Sommers
  • “A N A N A S” – Rollendes Ananas Reittier
  • Erfrischende Strandmatte – Teppich Reittier (Fliegt nicht)
  • Treibmingo – Flamingo schwimmendes Boot (Super süß)
  • Hakenschnursinker - Kostüm für den Bumeranger
  • Shirly Sorbet – Eiscreme Gefährte
  • Larry der Page - Koffer Gefährte
  • Redford der Regenbogenballon – Heißluftballon Gefährte
  • Tauchus – Fisch Gefährte

Taucht ein in die Sommer Welt von Trove und entdeckt unser wunderschönes sommerliches Hub, schließt die Event Abenteuerreihe ab und besorgt mega tolle Belohnungen!

Wir wünschen euch einen schönen Sommer in Trove!

Liebe Grüße,
Das Trove Team

Preview: still log in to your Trove account while using a boot camp app to run the Windows version of Trove Show

Hello Trovians,

First off, we’d like to thank all of you who have played Trove on Mac/OSX up until this time. We’re very happy to have Trove across multiple platforms on computer and console, but we are focusing our support on PC, Xbox One, and PS4 moving forward.

Mac OSX Catalina has introduced some changes that make it difficult to offer a smooth-running experience playing Trove, therefore we will no longer be able to have native support for Trove on Mac OSX. Support for Trove on Mac will be discontinuing on March 31, 2020, thank you for your understanding.

Secondly, the good news is that your account data, purchases, and progress will remain available to you! You can still log in to your Trove account while using a boot camp app to run the Windows version of Trove on your Mac.

Alternatively, if you’re running an older version of MacOS for Trove, it may continue to work on there. We are not held responsible for complications using other applications to run Trove and we cannot guarantee older MacOS versions will run smoothly or without any hiccups unfortunately.

We can’t wait to share lots of the exciting new updates, events, and gameplay changes coming ahead in the world of Trove. We apologize for any inconvenience incurred, and still hope to see you in-game!

-The Trove team

Preview: rem Trove Account einloggen, indem ihr eine Boot Camp App verwendet, um die Windows Ver Show

Hallo Trovianer,

zu allererst möchten wir uns einmal bei Allen bedanken, die bis jetzt Trove auf Mac/OSX gespielt haben. Wir sind überglücklich Trove Plattform-übergreifend anbieten zu können, aber zukünftig werden wir unseren Fokus auf den Support für PC, Xbox One und PS4 legen.

Mac OSX Catalina hat einige Änderungen vorgenommen, die es nahezu unmöglich machen ein einwandfreies Spielerlebnis garantieren zu können, deshalb wird es uns nicht mehr möglich sein den ursprünglichen Support für Trove auf der Mac Oberfläche anzubieten. Der Support für Trove auf Mac wird somit am 31.03.2020 enden, Danke für euer Verständnis!

Die guten Neuigkeiten sind jedoch, dass eure Zugangsdaten, Errungenschaften und euer Fortschritt weiterhin für euch abrufbar bleiben! Ihr könnt euch wie gehabt mit eurem Trove Account einloggen, indem ihr eine Boot Camp App verwendet, um die Windows Version von Trove auf eurem Mac zu nutzen.

Alternativ könnte Trove auch weiterhin funktionieren, falls ihr eine ältere Version von MacOS verwendet. Wir können jedoch nicht für Komplikationen haftbar gemacht werden, falls ihr andere Anwendungen gebraucht, um Trove zu spielen und wir können nicht garantieren das die Nutzung der ältere MacOS Version reibungslos und ohne Zwischenfälle funktioniert.

Wir können es kaum erwarten euch bald die spannendenden Neuigkeiten, Events und Veränderungen mitzuteilen, die in der Welt von Trove anstehen. Wir entschuldigen uns für alle Unannehmlichkeiten, die entstanden sind und hoffen euch bald im Spiel wiederzusehen!

- Euer Trove Team

Preview: re compte Trove à l'aide d'une application Boot Camp pour utiliser la version Windows Show

Bonjour chers Troviens,

En premier lieu, nous tenons à remercier tous ceux qui ont joué à Trove sur Mac/OSX jusqu'à présent. Nous sommes ravis de pouvoir proposer Trove sur plusieurs plateformes, mais à l'avenir, nous nous concentrerons sur la prise en charge des versions PC, Xbox One et PS4.

Mac OSX Catalina a effectué quelques modifications qui rendent presque impossible de pouvoir jouer sans problème, il ne nous sera donc plus possible de garantir le fonctionnement de Trove sur l'interface Mac. La prise en charge de Trove sur Mac prendra fin le 31 mars 2020 et nous tenons à vous remercier pour votre compréhension !

Les bonnes nouvelles, cependant, sont que vos informations de connexion, vos réalisations et vos progrès seront conservés ! Comme d'habitude, vous pourrez vous connecter avec votre compte Trove à l'aide d'une application Boot Camp pour utiliser la version Windows de Trove sur votre Mac.

Alternativement, Trove pourrait toujours fonctionner si vous utilisez une ancienne version de MacOS. Cependant, nous ne pouvons être tenus responsables en cas de complications si vous utilisez d'autres applications pour jouer à Trove et nous ne pouvons garantir que l'ancienne version de MacOS fonctionnera sans problème et sans incident.

Nous avons hâte de pouvoir vous communiquer les dernières nouveautés, les événements et changements passionnants à venir dans le monde de Trove. Nous nous excusons pour tous les désagréments causés et espérons vous revoir bientôt dans le jeu !

- Votre équipe Trove

Preview: erraformers can now stack. The Old Boot is now stackable. A new item can now b Show

New Class - Vanguardian
  • Swooping in to the spotlight, the Vanguardian’s here to save the day!
  • The Vanguardian packs a punch with new Fist weapons and always comes out swinging.
  • Punch or pew - the ability to switch between ranged and melee controls the fighting space.
  • Go KAPOW your way to victory – it’ll be super, just sayin’.
  • This potent punching powerhouse can be crafted with in-game resources on the Resistor workbench.
  • A Badge has been added for unlocking the Vanguardian.

  • A new sub-biome has been added to Neon City – Luminopolis!
  • A colorful cityscape, Luminopolis is being conquered by the Amperium led by Ampress C455-Andra.
  • The Resistors are fighting back against the Amperium, constructing new points of interest in Luminopolis. Called Outposts, here players can find Resistor Workbenches and take Outpost Adventures. Up to 3 Outpost Adventures can be in progress at a time and up to 20 can be completed in a day.
  • Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope and Rhom-10, Dissent’s Roar are two new Ancestral Dragons who’ve come to join the battle (and ride the rails.)
  • Assist the Resistors by attacking the Amperium and gain valuable new resources like Plasmium and Sentience Shards.
  • The Neon City Scrap Case is a new box that can drop from NPCs and chests in Neon City and Luminopolis, containing commonly found materials to the region.
  • Use these new resources at the Resistor Workbench to craft the new Vanguardian class, 14 new allies, 7 new mounts, the Windtunnel Wings, 5 new tomes, 18 new frameworks, and a +50% Adventurine potion. There are also 11 new costumes – a Kami-themed costume for the Dino Tamer, an Amperium-themed costume for the Neon Ninja, 2 costumes for the vanguardian, and 7 Resistor-themed costumes for the Knight, Gunslinger, Boomeranger, Revenant, Tomb Raiser, Vanguardian, and Pirate Captain.
  • A terraformer for Luminopolis can be crafted from the Worldspring bench or the Resistor Workbench.
  • Robot NPCs are now healed while standing in plasma.
  • Those blocks you found while lasermancing in Luminopolis are totally intended. You'd best keep it a secret.

These bosses are designed to be more along the lines of "large aggressive pinatas" and less along the lines of "#1 WORLD FIRST BEST TROVE 2018." We're aware they will be bullied, trapped, and poked fun at but so are they. It's intended that their HP system will make some classes more competitive than they are in the existing meta.
  • A new challenge appears!
  • Find and fight the invading Gigastormers in Luminopolis – whether it’s a Titanic Tentakiller, a Trojan Propagator, or a proxy of C455-Andra herself.
  • Gain a Sentience Shard daily for participating in a Rampage.
  • Rampages have 3 stages, each of which grant a Lesser Neon Cache.
  • Lesser Neon Caches contain Flux, Plasmium, Charged Circuits, Logic Loops, Memory Matrixes, and rarely fragments for Rhom-10 or Hoshizora.
  • Several Badges have been added for completing Rampages.
  • Rampage Challenges Completed has been added to /stats.

  • Beacons are a new craftable item that allows players to summon Gigastormers to their club worlds for a bloc beatdown.
  • Each Beacon summons a specific Gigastormer and can be crafted on the Resistor workbenches in Luminopolis.
  • Beacons are not tradable, and can only be thrown in a club world by the club’s members.
  • The player who throws a Beacon always receives a Sentient Shard when the Beacon is thrown. When the Gigastormer is defeated, the thrower and up to 7 other players will receive 1-3 Neon City Scrap Cases.

Beacon of Heroes Fixture
  • A new Utility Fixture has been added – the Beacon of Heroes.
  • The Beacon of Heroes requires a level 4 Club. and has several benefits:
    • Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes
    • Increases Glide, which allows for longer flights but does not increase speed
    • Increases Plasmium drops from Neon City NPCs
    • A Spotlight Selector, allowing clubs to choose between several spotlight beams
  • Yoshimi is a new RARE Adventure NPC (Hero) who:
    • Visits for 24 hours and costs 250 Clubits to remove
    • Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 25 Clubits to remove
    • Grants Luminopolis adventures
    • Partially replaces Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn
  • Level 1 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 900 Clubits, requires 135 Clubits in rent, and:
    • Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi and Neologus the Robot Overlord have an equal chance to spawn with the Beacon of Heroes, each having 50% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed)
    • Increases Glide to 105
    • Provides an additional 5% chance for Plasmium drops
    • Has 4 options for spotlight beams
  • Level 2 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 1540 Clubits, requires 180 Clubits in rent, and:
    • Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi and Neologus the Robot Overlord have an equal chance to spawn with the Beacon of Heroes, each having 50% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed)
    • Increases Glide to 110
    • Provides an additional 10% chance for Plasmium drops
    • Has 8 options for spotlight beams
  • Level 3 of the Beacon of Heroes costs 1540 Clubits, requires 180 Clubits in rent, and:
    • Allows Yoshimi to spawn at the Rally of Heroes (Yoshimi now has 75% of Neologus the Robot Overlord’s chance to spawn with the Repose of Heroes placed, while Neologus has 25%)
    • Increases Glide to 120
    • Provides an additional 15% chance for Plasmium drops
    • Has 12 options for spotlight beams

Welcome Screen
  • A new welcome screen has been introduced. This new version will appear on login and is still accessible through the Navigation Menu and existing hotkeys.
  • This new version still displays all the relevant daily information, but in a smaller form and featuring animated models for the Chaos Chest and Radiant Dayspring rewards.
  • The new Welcome Screen only shows the current Daily Bonus, with a preview for the next day’s Daily Bonus. Access the new Daily Bonus rotation by selecting Learn More on the Daily Bonus section.

Daily Bonus Changes
  • The existing Daily Bonuses have been replaced by entirely new daily bonuses.
  • Monday is now Shadow Day – this elevator isn’t stopping until it gets to the top floor. (Although a few extra rounds of Shadow Hydrakken never hurt anybody.)
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • Double key fragments
      • Double shadow shards
      • Double Titan Souls
      • Double Lunar Souls
    • Patrons receive:
      • Triple key fragments
      • Triple shadow shards
      • Triple Titan Souls
      • Triple Lunar Souls
  • Find a tractor, equip a mining hat, and bait a hook, because Tuesday is Gathering Day.
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • Double Radiant Shards
      • Double gardening materials gained on harvest
      • Double ore drops
      • Double fishing speed
    • Patrons receive:
      • Triple Radiant Shards
      • Triple gardening materials gained on harvest
      • Triple ore drops
      • Triple fishing speed
  • Wednesday just got a whole lot shinier as Gem Day.
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • Double Gem Box drops
      • Dust costs for gem upgrades are reduced by 10%
      • Up to 3 Lustrous Gem Boxes can drop from dungeons – this new box has a chance to drop gem dust of any color, a Gem Focus, or a Contained Chaos Spark
    • Patrons receive:
      • Triple Gem Box drops
      • Dust costs for gem upgrades are reduced by 20%
      • Up to 6 Lustrous Gem Boxes can drop from dungeons
  • Call out the menagerie of mounts and stay on the move, because Thursday is Adventure Day.
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • 50% more Adventurine
      • Double the chance of finding Adventure Boxes
      • Double the chance of finding Talismans
    • Patrons receive:
      • 100% more Adventurine
      • Triple the chance of finding Adventure Boxes
      • Triple the chance of finding Talismans
  • Friday certainly won’t drag on, since it’s now Dragon Day!
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • Double the Dragon Coins from Challenges
      • Double the Lesser Dragon Caches from Challenges
      • Double the chance of finding Dragon Fragments
    • Patrons receive:
      • Triple the Dragon Coins from Challenges
      • Triple the Lesser Dragon Caches from Challenges
      • Triple the chance of finding Dragon Fragments
  • Keep a level head on Saturday, which is still XP Day with a few new additions.
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • 50% more Adventure Experience
      • 50% more Club Experience
      • 50% more Arena Win Experience
    • Patrons receive:
      • 100% more Adventure Experience
      • 100% more Club Experience
      • 100% more Arena Win Experience
  • When it’s raining flux on Sunday, let it rain because it’s Loot Day.
    • Non-Patrons receive:
      • +100 Magic Find
      • Double the chance to find Flux Artifacts
      • Increased Chaos Chest drops
    • Patrons receive:
      • +200 Magic Find
      • Triple the chance to find Flux Artifacts
      • Increased Chaos Chest drops

Store Updates
  • New additions to the Store:
    • The Vanguardian Pack and Vanguardian Super Pack have landed!
      • The Vanguardian Pack contains the Vanguardian class, the Windtunnel flying effect, a Vanguardian costume, 2 Terraformers, and 10 Sentience Shards
      • The Vanguardian Super Pack contains everything in the Vanguardian Pack, plus another Vanguardian costumes, 18 more Terraformers, the legendary Amperium A.I. tome, and a whopping 10101 credits.
      • An upgrade pack will be available for players who have purchased the Vanguardian Pack and wish to upgrade to the Vanguardian Super Pack.
    • The Amperium Dragon Pack has arrived to amp up Luminopolis adventures! Contains a tradable dragon egg for Rhom-10, Dissent’s Roar along with 10 Greater Neon Caches, 3 Beacons, the Wattaro Complex recipe and framework, and a 50% Adventurine Potion.
    • The Resistor Dragon Pack has appeared to increase the capacity for resistance! Contains a tradable dragon egg for Hoshizora, Luminary of Hope along with 10 Greater Neon Caches, 3 Beacons, the Blockatomi Tower recipe and framework, and a 50% Adventurine Potion.
    • Greater Neon Caches are now available in the store on the More tab! Get valuable Neon City crafting materials, Beacons to summon gigantic Gigastormers, or (rarely) tradeable allies, mounts, and costumes. Buy 33 and earn a Flashing Neon Cache, which always contains a rare result from the Greater Neon Caches!
    • A club name changer item is now available on the More tab in the store, allowing Club Presidents to rename their club.
  • Disaeon the Immortal
    • Disaeon the Immortal is now available for FREE to all players who have purchased any real world currency pack!
    • Disaeon has been moved from Legendary Dragons to Ancestral Dragons.
    • Disaeon has been removed from the Dragon Effigy.
    • A new Dragon Effigy will be sent out after Heroes is live to all players who previously used a Dragon Effigy to unlock Disaeon the Immortal.

Urmhalit the Unforgiven
  • Players who are opted-in to receive emails will now attract a new and fantastic friend: Urmhalit, the Unforgiven.
  • This stats-granting mastery-less dragon will fly in to Collections as long as opted-in status is maintained.
  • For console players, this involves associating an email address to your Microsoft or Sony account.
  • For further information,

Dracolyte Updates
  • Basic Attack/Flamethrower
    • The diameter of the Flamethrower basic attack has been increased in size by 100% which is half of one block.
    • The length of the Flamethrower basic attack has been increased in size by 18% which is one whole block.
    • Flamethrower basic attack will now convert slippery ice blocks into "charred" blocks for a short time, removing their slippery nature.
  • Spit Fire
    • Dracolyte familiar now charges twice as fast.
    • Spit Fire projectile speed has been doubled.
  • Burnt Offering
    • Dragon Idols now detonate after 6s (versus simply despawning).
    • Dragon Idols now detonate after two hits (versus four, previously).
    • The throwing distance for Dragon Idols has been increased slightly.
  • Avatar of Flame
    • Flamethrower attack while in Dragon form now does 100% more damage.
    • Magic Damage is increased by 50% while in Dragon form.
    • Health regen is increased by 300% while in Dragon form.
  • Burning Ward changes:
    • Dragon Idols now spawn a Dracolyte minion 100% of the time.
    • Without heals, Dracolyte minions live for 13s.

VFX Culling
  • VFX that are less important will now be hidden when there are a lot of particles in the camera’s view.
  • General priorities go as follows:
    • High – VFX associated with the character or with enemies (for example, abilities)
    • Medium – VFX associated with the environment (for example, torches)
    • Low – VFX associated with other players (except in Battle Arenas, where this is High)

Expertise Threads
  • Anyone who reaches character level 10 will trigger the Shadow Escalation thread, which teaches about the Shadow Tower and rewards great prizes including the Giant Shadow Panda! Players who have already completed this when it was an Event will not see this new Expertise series.
  • Acquiring a Tome (as an Item), will start a short series of Adventures that explain Tomes. The culmination of this adventure is the Corn Rollio mount. Of course!

LED Blocks
  • 10 new color combinations that swap between 2 colors have been added to the LED Blocks.
  • These preserve the existing LED Block transition behavior. For example, interacting with a color changing Persistent LED Block will transition it to Off, not swap the colors.

Streamer Dream Allies
  • 33 new allies have been added in 2 new Streamer Dream boxes, the Streamer Dream 2 and the Streamer Dream 3.
  • Each of these unlocks allies in their respective Collection category.

New Dungeons
  • New Frontier Dungeon from Frokly!
  • New Treasure Isles Dungeon from BlueMango10!
  • New Fae Dungeon from stedms!
  • New Forbidden Spires Lair from RiftPhoenix!
  • New Forbidden Spires Dungeon from Pennry!
  • New Forbidden Spires Dungeon from Screamheart!

New Battle Arena Maps
  • 5 new maps from Xandllu!
  • 2 new maps from EMPI!
  • 2 new maps from Nuxus1!
  • A new map from MissPixel, DrNinja, and Tralaxx!

Additional Updates
  • Level 30 costumes have been added for all classes. Players that have previously reached level 30 will have these costumes unlock automatically when they next log in after the update.
  • Reduced the size of the game download.
  • Fixed some issues that could decrease server stability over time.
  • Improved some server performance and made several client side optimizations.
  • Fixed a crash that could be caused when changing worlds.
  • Flux costs have been reduced for Crafting a Builder's Focus to perfect your gems (Rough, Superior, and Precise).
  • Adventurine will now display what amount is being granted as a bonus.
  • Adventures that require kills no longer give additional credit for killing any clones spawned by the target NPC.
  • The Pirrot Revenge Club Adventure now has a 100 kill count (was 30).
  • The Adventure NPC Dracantes now correctly sends players to Treasure Isles OR Lost Isles to complete his adventures.
  • A Dragon Crucible has been added above ground in the Hub.
  • Turtle-riders rejoice! The Turtle Tank and Topiary Terrapin now are correctly affected by the Knight's Move Speed enhancing subclass ability.
  • If a Coin Collection or Race challenge time period ends while you are in the middle of the minigame you can now still get the proper rewards.
  • (PS4 Only) You can now invite players with a dash in their profile name to your club via the Club UI menu.
  • (PS4 Only) Fixed a crash that could occur when entering to much text into the virtual keyboards.
  • Gather 3 Trovian dungeons now show up as separate icons on the map.
  • Club fixtures now show up on the map.
  • Shores of Everdark biomes now have their own icon on the map.
  • The VFX for air blocks and rally blade towers have been optimized and are noticeably different.
  • Audio cue for Gunslinger's subclass "Rain Destruction" should no longer spam when going up steps.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the XP Earned This Week contest to reset particularly high scoring progress.
  • Fixed a bug where Knight took way too much redirected damage with Iron Will.
  • Fixed a bug where the client could crash while donating clubits to a Club Vault.
  • Fixed a bug where fixtures get cut off when placed near the top of the world.
  • The Moonwing badges will no longer claim to grant Lunar New Year Dragon Spirit as a reward.
  • Fortras and Albairn now grant 30 power rank.
  • Potentially fixed the rare Double Experience Potion ending too early issue.
  • The Double Experience Potion icon should now continue to update without requiring changing worlds.
  • The UI for Shadow Towers will now default to the current difficulty when opening in the Shadow Tower.
  • The Very Fishy Wall Trophy now has now returned from his sabbatical, and can be very rarely found as a world drop.
  • Fixed an issue where attempting to purchase inventory slots could cause a crash.
  • Fixed an issue where Shadow Tower portals appear on the ground after being destroyed despite returning straight to the inventory.
  • Fixed an exploit that allowed enemy clones to drop loot.
  • (Xbox and PS4) Added the Display Club Name checkbox to the Settings > Social menu.
  • Clubs can now specify what ranks are allowed to speak and listen in the club chat channel.
  • Re-ordered the club permissions list to have similar permissions next to each other.
  • Added explanation dialog when low rank club members try and fail to pay rent.
  • Drops of Chaos Chests now activate a VFX.
  • Fixed camera jitter that appeared while using some mounts, including the Frolicksome Fox Spirit.
  • Modifed the Stay Classy Badge Tooltip text to better explain the requirements.
  • Fixed a bug causing the Stay Classy Badge to not properly unlock.
  • Terraformers can now stack.
  • The Old Boot is now stackable. A new item can now be fished up, the Ancient Boot, which is completely useless, as the Old Boot was once intended to be.
  • Fixed an issue that could cause the selection highlight to disappear in the Gem Forge.
  • The Neon Throne item that comes from Chaos Chests and the Chaos Core Crafter now acknowledges its post theft identity, and now correctly describes itself as a Purloined Powerseat.
  • Unused Tether hotkey removed from Settings.
  • The View button now works in the Settings > Miscellaneous menu.

Preview: Will there ever be a boot dragon? Erm no, never, mustaches a Show

Quote Originally Posted by Shirokiri View Post
Will there ever be a boot dragon?
Erm no, never, mustaches are implied.
This is my favorite quote of anything ever. Even though it was me who said it. Out of context it's a pretty bizarre statement. Thanks for the awesome overview, Shiri!

Happy birthday!

Preview: VP adventures Ol’ Boothilda the Crazy Boot Lady Show

Clubs 2.0
  • The entire club UI has been renovated to support Adventures, Fixtures, and all the new Club Permissions. – open the club UI and use the Gear button to see all the specifics for that club!
  • Clubs can now level up as players complete adventures from the club. The club’s level controls what fixtures are available. There is a daily cap on the amount of experience a club can gain that scales with the number of active members.
  • There is now a Club HQ building in the hub world, replacing the club portals.
  • The Club HQ has portals that lead to club worlds which are:
    • Popular (based on likes)
    • Small but Active
    • New Fixtures (based on clubits spent in the past week)
    • High Power Rating
    • Random
  • To appear in the Club HQ portals, a club must have spent at least 1 clubit in the past week; this is to prevent inactive clubs from appearing.
  • Going through these portals will place the player at the Rally of Heroes fixture in that Club World.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the first person in a club to log in was not listed as online within the club UI.
  • Club names are now displayed below the player’s name – an option to hide these can be found in the Settings menu.
Club Adventures
  • Heroes (Adventure NPCs) can be spawned at the Rally of Heroes fixture in a Club World.
  • Heroes are classified in several rarities: Common (White), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary (Orange).
  • Each Hero will remain spawned at the Rally of Heroes for a set amount of time. During their visit, they may fall asleep. These specifics may be managed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Adventures tab of the Club window.
  • The type of Adventures that Heroes give out may change over time. Their specific adventure tables are also improved by the addition of the Repose of Heroes fixture.
  • Completing Adventures grants a new type of reward currency called Adventurine (Inventory > Flux Tab > Dragon Coin Tab > Club > Adventurine). Patrons receive a bonus 33% Adventurine.
  • Players can complete up to 220 Adventures per day – this cap is intended to be higher than any player is likely to complete in one day.
  • Adventurine can be spent to buy these rewards:
    • New Club décor from the female merchant in the Club HQ at the Hub World
    • New Mounts, Styles, Allies and LED Block Recipes from the male merchant in the Club HQ at the Hub World
    • At the Travelling Merchant fixture (Tier 1-3) in a Club World
      • Must be a member of the club to access the Travelling Merchant
      • T2, and T3 Travelling Merchants sell additional items for Adventurine like Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments, Club Empowered Gem Boxes, Aura: Atom Sphere, and Aura: Restless Remnants
      • Club Empowered Gem Boxes contain a random, guaranteed Radiant Empowered Gem
    • Converted to Clubits at a 10:1 ratio at the Clubit Minting Machine on the Trovian Clubit Union or T1/T2 Travelling Merchant fixtures
    • Converted to Clubits at an 85:10 ratio at the Grand Clubit Minting Machine on the Tier 3 Travelling Merchant fixture
  • Only a limited number of Adventures may be taken simultaneously – the current limit is 3 from your primary club, and 3 from other people’s clubs.
  • Incomplete Adventures will disappear from the Adventure Window one week after they were taken.
  • Adventures are completed immediately when their objectives are finished regardless of the player’s location or if the NPC is still spawned.
  • When an Adventure is completed, Club Experience is granted to the club it was taken from.
  • Unwanted adventures can be abandoned at will.
Hero NPCs
  • 22 total Heroes have been added. Some NPCs require a Tier 1-3 Repose of Heroes fixture to be placed in order to spawn.
  • 6 COMMON rarity Heroes:
    • Mysterious Champion
      • Visits for 9 hours and costs 50 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps – can’t stop, won’t stop
      • Grants PVP adventures
    • Ol’ Boothilda the Crazy Boot Lady
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 150 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 2 hours and costs 1 clubit to wake
      • Grants fishing adventures
      • No longer spawns if the Tier 1 Repose of Heroes Fixture is placed
    • Davey Drowner the Skeletal Pirrot
      • Visits for 1 day, 6 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures to defeat living Pirrots - All of them
      • No longer spawns if the Tier 1 Repose of Heroes Fixture is placed
    • Mycenius the Starcap Sporeceror
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 5 minutes every 15 minutes and costs 2 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Medieval Highlands Adventure World
    • Marshall McTaggart the Frontier Lawbot
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 40 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Desert Frontier Adventure World
    • Cardinal Richemelieu
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 minutes every 60 minutes and costs 5 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Candoria Adventure World
  • 4 UNCOMMON rarity Heroes:
    • Chief Brosquatch
      • Visits for 14 hours and costs 125 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 7 hours every 7 hours and costs 25 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Permafrost Adventure World
    • Archlich Kizappian
      • Visits for 1 day, 2 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures for the Cursed Vale Adventure World
    • Lady Seldarine the Moon Prophet
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 80 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 minutes every 2 hours and costs 15 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Fae Wilds Adventure World
    • Sarlash the First Hunter
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 150 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 30 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World
  • 4 RARE rarity Heroes:
    • Neologus the Robot Overlord
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 250 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 2 hours every 8 hours and costs 250 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Neon City Adventure World
    • Katonnis the Ember Drake Lord
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 30 minutes every 2 hours and costs 25 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Dragonfire Peaks Adventure World
    • Narandir the Last Awake
      • Visits for 15 hours and costs 300 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 hours every 30 minutes and costs 20 clubits to wake
      • (Yes that sleep timer is correct… zZzzzZzz…)
      • Grants adventures for the Radiant Ruins Adventure World
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Larsene the Shady Dealer
      • Visits for 1 day and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 5 hours and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Shadow Tower
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
  • 6 EPIC rarity Heroes:
    • Dracantes the Pirate King
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 500 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every hour and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Treasure Isles Adventure World
    • Irran-Shu the Windfox Trickster
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 300 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 8 hours and costs 70 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Forbidden Spires Adventure World
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Uzumi the Envoy of the Seas
      • Visits for 1 day and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps every 4 hours for 2 hours and costs 50 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures to collect Water Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Susiria the Wind Emissary
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps every 8 hours for 1 hour and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures to collect Air Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Udunn the Fiery Magmagister
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures to collect Fire Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Snackle the Hoarder of Shinies
      • Visits for 1 day, 2 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 2 hours every 6 hours and costs 100 clubits to wake
      • Grants chaotic adventures
      • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • 2 LEGENDARY rarity Heroes:
      • Ambarine the Deep Delver
        • Visits for 6 hours and costs 10 clubits to remove
        • Never sleeps
        • Grants mining adventures
        • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
      • Ganda the Sky Shepherd
        • Visits for 15 hours and costs 10 clubits to remove
        • Never sleeps
        • Grants loot hunting adventures
        • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
Club Fixtures
  • Fixtures are buildings that can be placed in Club Worlds to unlock mechanics, buffs, and even loot chance increases.
  • Benefits from Fixtures only apply in PVE – no placing a Mount Menagerie to get bonus jump in Battle Arenas!
  • At level 1, clubs can only place Base fixtures. Additional fixture slots will unlock as the club levels up.
  • Fixtures can be purchased from the Merchants located on the Trovian Clubit Union fixture. They can be upgraded, placed, or removed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Fixtures tab of the Club window.
  • The active benefits granted by each fixture can be viewed from the Club list (only for the primary club) and also from the Fixtures tab.
  • Fixtures cost Clubits up front when placed. Each fixture can be upgraded twice for additional Clubits (and an additional increase in weekly costs!)
  • Fixtures require rent (paid weekly) to keep their buffs activated. Placing a fixture for the first time will immediately charge the upkeep cost; upgrading a fixture does not immediately charge rent again, but will increase it.
  • There are 4 types of Fixtures: Base, Combat, Utility, and Ultimate.
  • Base Fixtures:
    • Rally of Heroes – Allows spawning of Adventure Heroes at Hero Rally Points. These Adventure Heroes can be managed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Adventures tab of the Club window. The Rally of Heroes Fixture cannot be upgraded or removed while Adventure Heroes are present. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: Granted for free, 3 Hero Rally Points are available
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 4 Hero Rally Points are available
      • Level 3: 5,000 clubit upgrade cost, 5 Hero Rally Points are available
    • Trovian Clubit Union – Any member of the club can donate clubits at the “Club Vault” machine. Club Members with the necessary Permissions can purchase new fixtures for the club from the Club Combat Fixture Merchant, Club Utility Fixture Merchant, or Club Ultimate Fixture Merchant. If a fixture is unavailable for purchase it means the club either doesn’t have enough cubits or isn’t a high enough level. The Clubit Minting Machine allows any player to convert Adventurine in to Clubits (both found in the currency inventory.) This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: Granted for free, Club Clubit cap of 3,000
      • Level 2: 1,000 Clubit upgrade cost, Club Clubit cap of 9,000
      • Level 3: 5,000 Clubit upgrade cost, Club Clubit cap is unlimited
  • Combat Fixtures:
    • Shrine of Skill – Requires a Level 4 Club and increases both Critical Hit and Critical Damage.
      • Level 1: 1,250 initial Clubit cost, 188 Clubit rent, grants an additional 2% critical hit and 25% Critical Damage
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 250 Clubit rent, grants an additional 5% Critical Hit and 50% Critical Damage
      • Level 3: 4,750 Clubit upgrade cost, 375 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% Critical Hit and 100% Critical Damage
    • Shrine of Ferocity – Requires a Level 6 Club and increases both physical and magic damage.
      • Level 1: 3,000 initial Clubit cost, 450 Clubit rent, grants an additional 5% physical and magic damage
      • Level 2: 4,600 Clubit upgrade cost, 600 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% physical and magic damage
      • Level 3: 7,200 Clubit upgrade cost, 900 Clubit rent, grants an additional 15% physical and magic damage
    • Shrine of Vitality – Requires a Level 2 Club and increases maximum health.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, 68 Clubit rent, grants an additional 25% maximum health
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, 90 Clubit rent, grants an additional 50% maximum health
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, 135 Clubit rent, grants an additional 100% maximum health
    • Shrine of Rejuvenation – Requires a Level 4 Club and increases both Health and Energy Regeneration.
      • Level 1: 800 initial Clubit cost, 120 Clubit rent, grants an additional 50% Health Regeneration and an additional 1 Energy Regeneration
      • Level 2: 1,960 Clubit upgrade cost, 160 Clubit rent, grants an additional 100% Health Regeneration and an additional 2 Energy Regeneration
      • Level 3: 4,120 Clubit upgrade cost, 240 Clubit rent, grants an additional 200% Health Regeneration and an additional 3 Energy Regeneration
    • Shrine of Resilience – Requires a Level 2 Club and reduces incoming damage.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, 68 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 2.5%
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, 90 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 5%
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, 135 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 10%
    • Shrine of Efficiency – Requires a Level 8 Club and reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 15%
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 25%
  • Utility Fixtures:
    • Travelling Club Merchant – Requires a level 5 Club and provides a MPJ7 Merchant along with a daily clubit grant.
      • Level 1: 1,250 initial Clubit cost, 188 Clubit rent, grants 100/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with a Merchant selling LED Block recipes, 2 mounts, 4 pieces of Shadow 1 equipment, 3 allies, and 1 aura
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 250 Clubit rent, grants 200/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with an upgraded Merchant that sells an additional Club Empowered Gem Box (containing Radiant Empowered Gems), an additional mount, 2 additional pieces of Shadow 1 equipment, 4 additional allies, and an additional aura
      • Level 3: 4,750 Clubit upgrade cost, 375 Clubit rent, grants 300/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with a fully upgraded Merchant that sells Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments, an additional mount, an additional piece of Shadow 1 equipment, and 3 additional allies
    • Mount Menagerie – Requires a Level 3 Club and contains interactive “leash” blocks where Club Members with the FixtureInteract Permission can place a mount to show it off. The Mount Menagerie also grants additional Jump and increased Talisman drop rates.
      • Level 1: 900 initial Clubit cost, 135 Clubit rent, 1 “leash” block, and grants 2 additional jump along with a small additional chance to drop Corgi, Meownt, Shmeep, and Centaur talismans
      • Level 2: 2,080 Clubit upgrade cost, 180 Clubit rent, 3 “leash” blocks, and grants 3 additional jump along with a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Mount Menagerie to drop the previous talismans along with Llama, Rat, and Panda talismans
      • Level 3: 4,260 Clubit upgrade cost, 270 Clubit rent, 5 “leash” blocks, and grants 5 additional jump along with a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Mount Menagerie to drop the previous talismans along with Griffon talismans. Griffon talismans will only drop from Uber-5 or higher worlds, but drops granted by the Mount Menagerie are not restricted to the Cursed Skylands.
    • Hoard of Prosperity – Requires a Level 10 Club and grants Magic Find along with an increased chance to drop Adventure Boxes, Pearls of Wisdom, and Shadow Key Fragments.
      • Level 1: 3,600 initial Clubit cost, 540 Clubit rent, grants 100 Magic Find along with a small additional chance to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
      • Level 2: 5,320 Clubit upgrade cost, 720 Clubit rent, grants 150 Magic Find along with a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Hoard of Prosperity to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
      • Level 3: 8,040 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,080 Clubit rent, grants 200 Magic Find along with a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Hoard of Prosperity to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
    • Font of Knowledge – Requires a Level 3 Club and grants additional XP along with an increased amount of bonus XP. Bonus XP is a new stat – any time a player gains XP, they have a 2.5% chance to gain an extra amount of XP equal to the Bonus XP amount.
      • Level 1: 600 initial Clubit cost, 90 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% XP along with a 100% increase to bonus XP amount
      • Level 2: 1,720 Clubit upgrade cost, 120 Clubit rent, grants an additional 20% XP along with a 200% increase to bonus XP amount
      • Level 3: 3,840 Clubit upgrade cost, 180 Clubit rent, grants an additional 30% XP along with a 300% increase to bonus XP amount
    • Repose of Heroes – Requires a level 6 Club and increases the rarity and variety of Hero NPCs available from the Rally of Heroes fixture. See the Hero NPC section for full details.
      • Level 1: 3,375 initial Clubit cost, 338 Clubit rent, prevents some Heroes from spawning, increases the chances of others, and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
      • Level 2: 5,050 Clubit upgrade cost, 450 Clubit rent, increases the chances of some rarer Heroes to spawn and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
      • Level 3: 7,725 Clubit upgrade cost, 675 Clubit rent, increases the chance of rarer Heroes spawning and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
    • Scenic Belltower - Requires a Level 8 Club and reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 600 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 15%
      • Level 2: 1,720 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 3,840 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 25%
  • Ultimate Fixtures:
    • Effigy of Echoing Strikes – Requires a level 9 Club and grants a chance to land additional attacks.
      • Level 1: 10,000 initial Clubit cost, 750 Clubit rent, grants a 0.5% chance to land a double hit
      • Level 2: 13,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,000 Clubit rent, grants a 0.75% chance to land a double hit
      • Level 3: 17,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,500 Clubit rent, grants a 1% chance to land a double hit
    • Effigy of Potent Opulence – Requires a Level 5 Club, decreases the dust cost to upgrade gems, and grants additional gem drops.
      • Level 1: 5,000 initial Clubit cost, 375 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 5% and grants a small additional chance to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
      • Level 2: 7,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 500 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 10% and grants a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Effigy of Potent Opulence to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
      • Level 3: 10,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 750 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 20% and grants a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Effigy of Potent Opulence to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
    • Effigy of Flowing Elixirs – Requires a Level 7 Club and grants a small chance to completely refill all flask charges when a flask charge is used.
      • Level 1: 7,000 initial Clubit cost, 525 Clubit rent, grants a 1% chance to refill all flask charges
      • Level 2: 9,400 Clubit upgrade cost, 700 Clubit rent, grants a 2% chance to refill all flask charges
      • Level 3: 12,800 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,050 Clubit rent, grants a 3% chance to refill all flask charges
    • Effigy of Frugality - Requires a Level 10 Club and reduces the rent for all fixtures (this does stack with the Scenic Belltower and Shrine of Efficiency). This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 10,000 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 10%
      • Level 2: 13,000 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 17,000 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 30%
Club Ranks and Permissions
  • Club ranks are now: President, VP (Vice President), Officer, Enforcer, Captain, and Member.
  • The “Leader” rank is now known as “Vice President” or “VP.”
  • The “Architect” rank is now known as “Enforcer.”
  • A club may only have 1 President. At the release of the Adventures update the Leader (VP) who has most recently been online will be promoted to the President rank. If the club has no VPs then the President will be chosen from the highest populated rank.
  • If the President of a club becomes inactive for more than 30 days a new President will automatically be promoted based on VP activity.
  • Club permissions are now editable for each rank. The Club President and any other ranks that have access to “EditPermissions” can define what members can do within a club world.
  • Default permissions are defined for each rank and these settings are largely based on the range of permissions that existed prior to the introduction of this system.
  • Club permissions may be enabled or disabled on the Permissions tab of the Club UI.
  • Promotion changes:
    • Presidents can always promote any other club member, and can always demote other club members above the rank of Member. Presidents can never demote themselves; instead they should pick someone else to promote to President.
    • VPs can always demote themselves, and if their rank has demote permissions they can demote other Officers, Enforcers, and Captains. VPs, if their rank has the promote permission, can promote Officers, Enforcers, Captains, and Members.
    • Officers can always demote themselves, and if their rank has demote permissions they can demote Enforcers and Captains. Officers, if their rank has promote permission, can promote Enforcers, Captains, and Members.
    • Enforcers can always demote themselves, and if their rank has demote permissions they can demote Captains. Enforcers, if their rank has promote permissions, can promote Captains and Members.
    • Captains can always demote themselves. Captains, if their rank has promote permissions, can promote Members.
    • Players at the Member rank can never demote or promote.
  • Permissions List:
    • Modify – The default setting that allows a player to build (modify) in a club world. All club world zones may be modified by anyone who has this permission attached to their rank by default. Specific settings can be set per club world zone using the ‘/zonerestrict’ command as detailed in the AccessControl permission. Ranks with the Modify permission and the BasicModify permission can build in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the ‘zonerestrict standard’ setting.
    • AccessControl – Allows the player to use the ‘/zonerestrict’ command to define Basic, Standard, Modify, or Expert modification permissions per Club World zone. The ‘/zonerestrict’ command now uses arguments of instead of . The player using the command must be standing inside the club world zone they intend to restrict.
    • BasicModify – Grants the ability to build (modify) in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the ‘/zonerestrict basic’ setting.
    • ExpertModify – Grants the ability to build (modify) in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the ‘/zonerestrict expert’ setting. Note that the rank must also have access to the Modify and BasicModify permissions to access the ExpertModify permission.
    • Bomb – Enables or disables the ability to use a bomb in a club world. Note that ranks with the Bomb permission are still blocked from using a bomb (or other destructive tools) in a zone they have not been sanctioned to edit with the /zonerestrict command. Also note that ‘/club setzonedamageable’ can be used to block a zone from being damaged by anyone regardless of their Bomb permission setting or the zone’s zonerestrict configuration.
    • Terraform – Enables or disables the ability to use a terraformer in a club world.
    • Craft – Enables or disables the ability to craft at a club workbench.
    • Invite – Allows members with this permission to invite new members to the club.
    • Promote – Allows members with this permission to promote existing members to a higher rank. It’s not possible to promote a member to a rank that’s higher than the promoting player.
    • Demote – Allows members with this permission to demote existing members to a lower rank.
    • Kick – Allows members with this permission to kick existing members out of the club. Cya!
    • ClubChest – Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club’s chest.
    • OfficerChest – Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club’s officer chest.
    • EditMOTD – Allows members with this permission to edit the club’s Message Of The Day.
    • EditPermissions – Allows members with this permission to edit the club’s rank permissions. WARNING: Please be cautious when considering which club ranks gain the ability to edit permissions.
    • FixtureInteract – Allows members with this permission to interact with or use the club’s placed fixtures.
    • FixtureAddRemove – Allows members with this permission to add or remove a fixture in the club world.
    • FixturePurchaseUpgrade – Allows members with this permission to buy new fixtures, upgrade existing fixtures, or pay weekly rent on fixtures.
    • ControlNPC – Allows members with this permission to summon Heroes at the Rally of Heroes. Also allows management of NPCs on the club’s Adventures tab.
    • Blocklist – Allows members with this permission to ban non-club members from entering the club world with the ‘/club block’ and ‘/club unblock’ commands.

Preview: ts PVP adventures Ol’ Boothilda the Crazy Boot Lady Show

Welcome to the initial public testing period for the Trove – Adventures expansion! These notes provide detailed information about all the great new systems and content available with the update. While most of the features are nearing completion, please be aware that the content you experience may change prior to release of the update. This includes recipe ingredients, reward values, availability of systems, and gameplay balance. You will notice that some systems have yet to receive a final treatment but part of that is also due to us leaving room to incorporate your feedback. We know that there are a ton of notes but appreciate you taking the time to skim through them.
Some systems (like Tethering) are in a [Public Evaluation] phase. This means we need to evaluate how they perform in a populated environment before we add them to the live game. If you see the [Public Evaluation] tag on an update note, please try it out and let us know what you think. We hope you enjoy playing Trove – Adventures!
Character Copy to PTS
  • Characters can now be copied from Live PC to PTS by using the /exportaccount command on Live. This will not copy club worlds.
  • This will completely overwrite your PTS character with your Live character, including your cornerstones.
Clubs 2.0
  • Welcome to a new club experience.
  • The entire club UI has been renovated to support Adventures, Fixtures, and all the new Club Permissions. – open the club UI and use the Gear button to see all the specifics for that club!
  • Clubs can now level up as players complete adventures from the club. The club’s level controls what fixtures are available. There is a daily cap on the amount of experience a club can gain that scales with the number of members.
  • There is now a Club HQ building in the hub world, replacing the club portals.
  • The Club HQ has portals that lead to club worlds which are:
    • Popular (based on likes)
    • Small but Active
    • New Fixtures (based on clubits spent in the past week)
    • High Power Rating
    • Random
  • To appear in the Club HQ portals, a club must have spent at least 1 clubit in the past week; this is to prevent inactive clubs from appearing.
  • Going through these portals will place the player at the Rally of Heroes fixture in that Club World.
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the first person in a club to log in was not listed as online within the club UI.
  • Club names are now displayed below the player’s name – an option to hide these can be found in the Settings menu.
Club Adventures
  • Heroes (Adventure NPCs) can be spawned at the Rally of Heroes fixture in a Club World.
  • Heroes are classified in several rarities: Common (White), Uncommon (Green), Rare (Blue), Epic (Purple), and Legendary (Orange).
  • Each Hero will remain spawned at the Rally of Heroes for a set amount of time. During their visit, they may fall asleep. These specifics may be managed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Adventures tab of the Club window.
  • The type of Adventures that Heroes give out may change over time. Their specific adventure tables are also improved by the addition of the Repose of Heroes fixture.
  • Completing Adventures grants a new type of reward currency called Adventurine (Inventory > Flux Tab > Dragon Coin Tab > Club > Adventurine). Patrons receive a bonus 33% Adventurine.
  • Players can complete up to 220 Adventures per day – this cap is intended to be higher than any player is likely to complete in one day.
  • Adventurine can be spent to buy these rewards:
    • New Club décor from the female merchant in the Club HQ at the Hub World
    • New Mounts, Styles, Allies and LED Block Recipes from the male merchant in the Club HQ at the Hub World
    • At the Travelling Merchant fixture (Tier 1-3) in a Club World
      • Must be a member of the club to access the Travelling Merchant
      • T2, and T3 Travelling Merchants sell additional items for Adventurine like Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments, Club Empowered Gem Boxes, Aura: Atom Sphere, and Aura: Restless Remnants
      • Club Empowered Gem Boxes contain a random, guaranteed Radiant Empowered Gem
    • Converted to Clubits at a 10:1 ratio at the Clubit Minting Machine on the Trovian Clubit Union or T1/T2 Travelling Merchant fixtures
    • Converted to Clubits at an 85:10 ratio at the Grand Clubit Minting Machine on the Tier 3 Travelling Merchant fixture
  • Only a limited number of Adventures may be taken simultaneously – the current limit is 3 from your primary club, and 3 from other people’s clubs.
  • Incomplete Adventures will disappear from the Adventure Window one week after they were taken.
  • Adventures are completed immediately when their objectives are finished regardless of the player’s location or if the NPC is still spawned.
  • When an Adventure is completed, Club Experience is granted to the club it was taken from.
  • Unwanted adventures can be abandoned at will.
  • (PTS only) The Hero NPCs are still being a bit shy and are refusing to get their pictures taken until they collectively have a good hair day. Don’t worry, they’ll have icons in the Adventure window before the update goes live.
Hero NPCs
  • 22 total Heroes have been added. Some NPCs require a Tier 1-3 Repose of Heroes fixture to be placed in order to spawn.
  • 6 COMMON rarity Heroes:
    • Mysterious Champion
      • Visits for 9 hours and costs 50 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps – can’t stop, won’t stop
      • Grants PVP adventures
    • Ol’ Boothilda the Crazy Boot Lady
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 150 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 2 hours and costs 1 clubit to wake
      • Grants fishing adventures
      • No longer spawns if the Tier 1 Repose of Heroes Fixture is placed
    • Davey Drowner the Skeletal Pirrot
      • Visits for 1 day, 6 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures to defeat living Pirrots - All of them
      • No longer spawns if the Tier 1 Repose of Heroes Fixture is placed
    • Mycenius the Starcap Sporeceror
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 5 minutes every 15 minutes and costs 2 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Medieval Highlands Adventure World
    • Marshall McTaggart the Frontier Lawbot
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 40 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Desert Frontier Adventure World
    • Cardinal Richemelieu
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 minutes every 60 minutes and costs 5 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Candoria Adventure World
  • 4 UNCOMMON rarity Heroes:
    • Chief Brosquatch
      • Visits for 14 hours and costs 125 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 7 hours every 7 hours and costs 25 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Permafrost Adventure World
    • Archlich Kizappian
      • Visits for 1 day, 2 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures for the Cursed Vale Adventure World
    • Lady Seldarine the Moon Prophet
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 80 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 minutes every 2 hours and costs 15 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Fae Wilds Adventure World
    • Sarlash the First Hunter
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 150 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 6 hours and costs 30 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Jurassic Jungle Adventure World
  • 4 RARE rarity Heroes:
    • Neologus the Robot Overlord
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 250 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 2 hours every 8 hours and costs 250 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Neon City Adventure World
    • Katonnis the Ember Drake Lord
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 30 minutes every 2 hours and costs 25 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Dragonfire Peaks Adventure World
    • Narandir the Last Awake
      • Visits for 15 hours and costs 300 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 15 hours every 30 minutes and costs 20 clubits to wake
      • (Yes that sleep timer is correct… zZzzzZzz…)
      • Grants adventures for the Radiant Ruins Adventure World
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Larsene the Shady Dealer
      • Visits for 1 day and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 5 hours and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Shadow Tower
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
  • 6 EPIC rarity Heroes:
    • Dracantes the Pirate King
      • Visits for 21 hours and costs 500 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every hour and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Treasure Isles Adventure World
    • Irran-Shu the Windfox Trickster
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 300 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 1 hour every 8 hours and costs 70 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures for the Forbidden Spires Adventure World
      • Requires Tier 1 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Uzumi the Envoy of the Seas
      • Visits for 1 day and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps every 4 hours for 2 hours and costs 50 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures to collect Water Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Susiria the Wind Emissary
      • Visits for 18 hours and costs 400 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps every 8 hours for 1 hour and costs 75 clubits to wake
      • Grants adventures to collect Air Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Udunn the Fiery Magmagister
      • Visits for 12 hours and costs 200 clubits to remove
      • Never sleeps
      • Grants adventures to collect Fire Gem boxes
      • Requires Tier 2 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • Snackle the Hoarder of Shinies
      • Visits for 1 day, 2 hours and costs 100 clubits to remove
      • Sleeps for 2 hours every 6 hours and costs 100 clubits to wake
      • Grants chaotic adventures
      • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
    • 2 LEGENDARY rarity Heroes:
      • Ambarine the Deep Delver
        • Visits for 6 hours and costs 10 clubits to remove
        • Never sleeps
        • Grants mining adventures
        • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
      • Ganda the Sky Shepherd
        • Visits for 15 hours and costs 10 clubits to remove
        • Never sleeps
        • Grants loot hunting adventures
        • Requires Tier 3 Repose of Heroes fixture to spawn
Club Fixtures
  • Fixtures are buildings that can be placed in Club Worlds to unlock mechanics, buffs, and even loot chance increases.
  • Benefits from Fixtures only apply in PVE – no placing a Mount Menagerie to get bonus jump in Battle Arenas!
  • At level 1, clubs can only place Base fixtures. Additional fixture slots will unlock as the club levels up.
  • Fixtures can be purchased from the Merchants located on the Trovian Clubit Union fixture. They can be upgraded, placed, or removed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Fixtures tab of the Club window.
  • The active benefits granted by each fixture can be viewed from the Club list (only for the primary club) and also from the Fixtures tab.
  • Fixtures cost Clubits up front when placed. Each fixture can be upgraded twice for additional Clubits (and an additional increase in weekly costs!)
  • Fixtures require rent (paid weekly) to keep their buffs activated. Placing a fixture for the first time will immediately charge the upkeep cost; upgrading a fixture does not immediately charge rent again, but will increase it.
  • There are 4 types of Fixtures: Base, Combat, Utility, and Ultimate.
  • Base Fixtures:
    • Rally of Heroes – Allows spawning of Adventure Heroes at Hero Rally Points. These Adventure Heroes can be managed by a Club Member with the necessary Permissions on the Adventures tab of the Club window. The Rally of Heroes Fixture cannot be upgraded or removed while Adventure Heroes are present. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: Granted for free, 3 Hero Rally Points are available
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 4 Hero Rally Points are available
      • Level 3: 5,000 clubit upgrade cost, 5 Hero Rally Points are available
    • Trovian Clubit Union – Any member of the club can donate clubits at the “Club Vault” machine. Club Members with the necessary Permissions can purchase new fixtures for the club from the Club Combat Fixture Merchant, Club Utility Fixture Merchant, or Club Ultimate Fixture Merchant. If a fixture is unavailable for purchase it means the club either doesn’t have enough cubits or isn’t a high enough level. The Clubit Minting Machine allows any player to convert Adventurine in to Clubits (both found in the currency inventory.) This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: Granted for free, Club Clubit cap of 3,000
      • Level 2: 1,000 Clubit upgrade cost, Club Clubit cap of 9,000
      • Level 3: 5,000 Clubit upgrade cost, Club Clubit cap is unlimited
  • Combat Fixtures:
    • Shrine of Skill – Requires a Level 4 Club and increases both Critical Hit and Critical Damage.
      • Level 1: 1,250 initial Clubit cost, 188 Clubit rent, grants an additional 2% critical hit and 25% Critical Damage
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 250 Clubit rent, grants an additional 5% Critical Hit and 50% Critical Damage
      • Level 3: 4,750 Clubit upgrade cost, 375 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% Critical Hit and 100% Critical Damage
    • Shrine of Ferocity – Requires a Level 6 Club and increases both physical and magic damage.
      • Level 1: 3,000 initial Clubit cost, 450 Clubit rent, grants an additional 5% physical and magic damage
      • Level 2: 4,600 Clubit upgrade cost, 600 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% physical and magic damage
      • Level 3: 7,200 Clubit upgrade cost, 900 Clubit rent, grants an additional 15% physical and magic damage
    • Shrine of Vitality – Requires a Level 2 Club and increases maximum health.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, 68 Clubit rent, grants an additional 25% maximum health
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, 90 Clubit rent, grants an additional 50% maximum health
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, 135 Clubit rent, grants an additional 100% maximum health
    • Shrine of Rejuvenation – Requires a Level 4 Club and increases both Health and Energy Regeneration.
      • Level 1: 800 initial Clubit cost, 120 Clubit rent, grants an additional 50% Health Regeneration and an additional 1 Energy Regeneration
      • Level 2: 1,960 Clubit upgrade cost, 160 Clubit rent, grants an additional 100% Health Regeneration and an additional 2 Energy Regeneration
      • Level 3: 4,120 Clubit upgrade cost, 240 Clubit rent, grants an additional 200% Health Regeneration and an additional 3 Energy Regeneration
    • Shrine of Resilience – Requires a Level 2 Club and reduces incoming damage.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, 68 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 2.5%
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, 90 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 5%
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, 135 Clubit rent, reduces incoming damage by 10%
    • Shrine of Efficiency – Requires a Level 8 Club and reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 450 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 15%
      • Level 2: 1,540 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 3,630 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Combat fixtures by 25%
  • Utility Fixtures:
    • Travelling Club Merchant – Requires a level 5 Club and provides a MPJ7 Merchant along with a daily clubit grant.
      • Level 1: 1,250 initial Clubit cost, 188 Clubit rent, grants 100/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with a Merchant selling LED Block recipes, 2 mounts, 4 pieces of Shadow 1 equipment, 3 allies, and 1 aura
      • Level 2: 2,500 Clubit upgrade cost, 250 Clubit rent, grants 200/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with an upgraded Merchant that sells an additional Club Empowered Gem Box (containing Radiant Empowered Gems), an additional mount, 2 additional pieces of Shadow 1 equipment, 4 additional allies, and an additional aura
      • Level 3: 4,750 Clubit upgrade cost, 375 Clubit rent, grants 300/Clubits a day from the Clubit Stand (requires a Club Member with the FixtureInteract Permission to trigger) along with a fully upgraded Merchant that sells Blocktron Dragon Egg Fragments, an additional mount, an additional piece of Shadow 1 equipment, and 3 additional allies
    • Mount Menagerie – Requires a Level 3 Club and contains interactive “leash” blocks where Club Members with the FixtureInteract Permission can place a mount to show it off. The Mount Menagerie also grants additional Jump and increased Talisman drop rates.
      • Level 1: 900 initial Clubit cost, 135 Clubit rent, 1 “leash” block, and grants 2 additional jump along with a small additional chance to drop Corgi, Meownt, Shmeep, and Centaur talismans
      • Level 2: 2,080 Clubit upgrade cost, 180 Clubit rent, 3 “leash” blocks, and grants 3 additional jump along with a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Mount Menagerie to drop the previous talismans along with Llama, Rat, and Panda talismans
      • Level 3: 4,260 Clubit upgrade cost, 270 Clubit rent, 5 “leash” blocks, and grants 5 additional jump along with a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Mount Menagerie to drop the previous talismans along with Griffon talismans. Griffon talismans will only drop from Uber-5 or higher worlds, but drops granted by the Mount Menagerie are not restricted to the Cursed Skylands.
    • Hoard of Prosperity – Requires a Level 10 Club and grants Magic Find along with an increased chance to drop Adventure Boxes, Pearls of Wisdom, and Shadow Key Fragments.
      • Level 1: 3,600 initial Clubit cost, 540 Clubit rent, grants 100 Magic Find along with a small additional chance to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
      • Level 2: 5,320 Clubit upgrade cost, 720 Clubit rent, grants 150 Magic Find along with a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Hoard of Prosperity to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
      • Level 3: 8,040 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,080 Clubit rent, grants 200 Magic Find along with a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Hoard of Prosperity to drop adventure boxes, pearls of wisdom, and shadow key fragments
    • Font of Knowledge – Requires a Level 3 Club and grants additional XP along with an increased amount of bonus XP. Bonus XP is a new stat – any time a player gains XP, they have a 2.5% chance to gain an extra amount of XP equal to the Bonus XP amount.
      • Level 1: 600 initial Clubit cost, 90 Clubit rent, grants an additional 10% XP along with a 100% increase to bonus XP amount
      • Level 2: 1,720 Clubit upgrade cost, 120 Clubit rent, grants an additional 20% XP along with a 200% increase to bonus XP amount
      • Level 3: 3,840 Clubit upgrade cost, 180 Clubit rent, grants an additional 30% XP along with a 300% increase to bonus XP amount
    • Repose of Heroes – Requires a level 6 Club and increases the rarity and variety of Hero NPCs available from the Rally of Heroes fixture. See the Hero NPC section for full details.
      • Level 1: 3,375 initial Clubit cost, 338 Clubit rent, prevents some Heroes from spawning, increases the chances of others, and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
      • Level 2: 5,050 Clubit upgrade cost, 450 Clubit rent, increases the chances of some rarer Heroes to spawn and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
      • Level 3: 7,725 Clubit upgrade cost, 675 Clubit rent, increases the chance of rarer Heroes spawning and increases the chance that Heroes will offer rarer missions
    • Scenic Belltower - Requires a Level 8 Club and reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures. This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 600 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 15%
      • Level 2: 1,720 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 3,840 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all Utility fixtures by 25%
  • Ultimate Fixtures:
    • Effigy of Echoing Strikes – Requires a level 9 Club and grants a chance to land additional attacks.
      • Level 1: 10,000 initial Clubit cost, 750 Clubit rent, grants a 0.5% chance to land a double hit
      • Level 2: 13,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,000 Clubit rent, grants a 0.75% chance to land a double hit
      • Level 3: 17,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,500 Clubit rent, grants a 1% chance to land a double hit
    • Effigy of Potent Opulence – Requires a Level 5 Club, decreases the dust cost to upgrade gems, and grants additional gem drops.
      • Level 1: 5,000 initial Clubit cost, 375 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 5% and grants a small additional chance to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
      • Level 2: 7,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 500 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 10% and grants a 2x higher chance than the Level 1 Effigy of Potent Opulence to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
      • Level 3: 10,000 Clubit upgrade cost, 750 Clubit rent, reduces gem upgrade costs by 20% and grants a 4x higher chance than the Level 1 Effigy of Potent Opulence to drop prime world gem boxes in any world
    • Effigy of Flowing Elixirs – Requires a Level 7 Club and grants a small chance to completely refill all flask charges when a flask charge is used.
      • Level 1: 7,000 initial Clubit cost, 525 Clubit rent, grants a 1% chance to refill all flask charges
      • Level 2: 9,400 Clubit upgrade cost, 700 Clubit rent, grants a 2% chance to refill all flask charges
      • Level 3: 12,800 Clubit upgrade cost, 1,050 Clubit rent, grants a 3% chance to refill all flask charges
    • Effigy of Frugality - Requires a Level 10 Club and reduces the rent for all fixtures (this does stack with the Scenic Belltower and Shrine of Efficiency). This fixture has no rent cost.
      • Level 1: 10,000 initial Clubit cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 10%
      • Level 2: 13,000 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 20%
      • Level 3: 17,000 Clubit upgrade cost, reduces the rent for all fixtures by 30%
Club Ranks and Permissions
  • Club ranks are now: President, Vice President, Officer, Enforcer, Captain, and Member.
  • The “Leader” rank is now known as “Vice President” or “VP.”
  • The “Architect” rank is now known as “Enforcer.”
  • A club may only have 1 President. At the release of the Adventures update the Leader (VP) with the most tenure/activity will be promoted to the President rank.
  • If the President of a club becomes inactive for more than 30 days a new President will automatically be promoted based on VP activity.
  • Club permissions are no longer linked to specific ranks within the club. The Club President and any other ranks that have access to “EditPermissions” can define what members can do within a club world.
  • Default permissions are defined for each rank and these settings are largely based on the range of permissions that existed prior to the introduction of this system.
  • Club permissions may be enabled or disabled on the Permissions tab of the Club UI.
  • Permissions List:
    • Modify – The default setting that allows a player to build (modify) in a club world. All club world zones may be modified by anyone who has this permission attached to their rank by default. Specific settings can be set per club world zone using the ‘/zonerestrict’ command as detailed in the AccessControl permission.
    • AccessControl – Allows the player to use the ‘/zonerestrict’ command to define Basic, Modify, or Expert modification permissions per Club World zone. The ‘/zonerestrict’ command now uses arguments of <basic/modify/expert/nobody> instead of <architect/officer/member/nobody>. The player using the command must be standing inside club world zone they intend to restrict.
    • BasicModify – Grants the ability to build (modify) in a club zone that has been sanctioned with the ‘/zonerestrict basic’ setting.
    • ExpertModify – Grants the ability to build (modify) in a LFWP club zone that has been sanctioned with the ‘/zonerestrict expert’ setting.
    • Speak – Enables or disables the ability to speak in club chat.
    • Bomb – Enables or disables the ability to use a bomb in a club world.
    • Terraform – Enables or disables the ability to use a terraformer in a club world.
    • Craft – Enables or disables the ability to craft at a club workbench.
    • Invite – Allows members with this permission to invite new members to the club.
    • Promote – Allows members with this permission to promote existing members to a higher rank. It’s not possible to promote a member to a rank that’s higher than the promoting player.
    • Demote – Allows members with this permission to demote existing members to a lower rank.
    • Kick – Allows members with this permission to kick existing members out of the club. Cya!
    • ClubChest – Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club’s chest.
    • OfficerChest – Enables or disables the ability to interact with the club’s officer chest.
    • EditMOTD – Allows members with this permission to edit the club’s Message Of The Day.
    • EditPermissions – Allows members with this permission to edit the club’s rank permissions. WARNING: Please be cautious when considering which club ranks gain the ability to edit permissions.
    • FixtureInteract – Allows members with this permission to interact with or use the club’s placed fixtures.
    • FixtureAddRemove – Allows members with this permission to add or remove a fixture in the club world.
    • FixturePurchaseUpgrade – Allows members with this permission to buy new fixtures, upgrade existing fixtures, or pay weekly rent on fixtures.
    • ControlNPC – Allows members with this permission to summon Heroes at the Rally of Heroes. Also allows management of NPCs on the club’s Adventures tab.
    • Blocklist – Allows members with this permission to ban non-club members from entering the club world.

Preview: apped out. This weeks top loot is the Elder Boot mount! This mount has sole! Get it? It Show

Welcome to the Mantle of Power!

[EDIT: Added 3 previously missed patch notes under the Class Adjustments section!]

Added Weekly Contest Leaderboards!
  • Get SOME AMAZING STUFF by competing in a weekly contest with your fellow Trovians! Contests can be found in the leaderboard UI. Class contests and stats-based contests will rotate weekly. We will be tuning rank levels and rewards over the coming weeks, so please offer additional feedback.
  • This amazing stuff includes both the Light and Dark Pegasus mounts. Be a winner and show off your wings while mounted.
  • The best rewards are given for being at the top of the leaderboard, but some rewards are given for passing a score amount, so even if you're not the best around, you can still score some sweet loot!

Important Fixes
  • Fixed a bug where it was possible to get in a state where attacks would not land.
  • Re-added mastery points for level 20 (previously there was a mastery reward for having reached "max level," which resulted in many players losing mastery rank when Mantle of Power Head Start went live on Tuesday).
  • Added additional mastery points for level 30.

Gem System Tuning
  • Over the next few weeks we will be making adjustments to the gem system. If it impacts previous actions taken in meaningful ways we will compensate to the best of our ability. Compensation will happen in the days following the patch.
  • In this case we will be giving out Lapis Luckbugs in accordance with the number of Diamond Dice, Lapis Luckbug, and Glimmering Horseshoes used. In addition some will be added for each Booster Box opened before the patch and each Booster Box opened before last week's karma hotfix.
  • Diamond Dice is no longer a booster, in packs these have been changed to the Lapis Luckbug and any existing Dice will loot collect in to a Luckbug.
  • The Luckbug has been buffed to grant 3X success and 5X double success.
  • The Glittering Horseshoe has been buffed to grant 1.5X success rate
  • A new booster now exists, the Ninth Life, which grants 40X success rate and 10X double success rate - you can find it in the store, as a contest reward, and very rarely out of Booster Boxes. These will also be available as other limited time rewards in the future.
  • Free deal rotations now give one of 3 gem dust boxes, which can give between 300 and 9999 dust of the appropriate type. These will show up more often than the Booster Box did.
  • The Gem Booster Box now gives more dust, but fewer boosters. It can now very rarely drop 1 Ninth Life Booster or 5 Empowered Gem Boxes.

Store Changes
  • Chaos Chest loot has been swapped out. This weeks top loot is the Elder Boot mount! This mount has sole! Get it? It's a boot!
  • There is now an Empowered Gem Box Legendary Tome in the store. Get it and use it once a week for an additional Empowered Gem Box.
  • All Mantle of Power Expansion Packs now unlock this tome. This will be granted retroactively after this patch goes live. It will take at least a few hours, so please bear with us.
  • Jade Clover now costs 5 Credits and can only be purchased with Credits.
  • Glittering Horseshoe now costs 25 Credits.

Class Adjustments
  • Boomeranger - Due to an error in calculation during our class adjustments Boomeranger Melee was increased further than intended. The intent was to have melee and ranged be similar damage. The actual result is that melee damage was far out stripping ranged damage. In order to address this we have increased the damage co-efficient on Boomeranger ranged attacks to 1.4 and decreased the co-efficient on Boomeranger melee attacks to 1.7. Boomeranger melee attacks are still extremely valuable even after this adjustment, and playing a ranged Boomeranger should be much more competitive.
  • Fixed an issue where the gem version of charged shots direct damage component was not using the proper charged shot coefficient of 4.
  • Gun Slinger Class Gem - Updated the duration to properly match the 10 second duration of the ult. Modified the attack speed modification from multiply by 0.5 to multiply by 0.75.
  • NEW Dracolyte - Burning Ward minions now spawn more often, receive less damage from enemies, and have a longer baseline duration.
  • NEW Ice Sage - Pain Freeze slow duration increased from 3 seconds to 4.
  • NEW Tomb Raiser - Beckon Banshee now has the same cooldown as Banshee's Boon.

Misc Changes/Fixes
  • Changed world entry so that now the required Power Rank listed on portals is also the required Power Rank to enter that world through any means (/joinworld, /joinme, friends list, club list, etc.). We are making this change to make access to new world types more special, and to help reinforce the value of earning access.
  • Fixed a bug where the Shadow Hunter's gem ability would sometimes stop firing until you used another ability.
  • Fixed bug where Shadow Hunter's Shadow Blitz did massive block damage
  • Fixed a bug where sometimes the club invite dialog would steal keyboard input even after it had been dismissed.
  • Fixed orientation of the Sparkle Sprinkle pistol style.
  • Spruced up the Challenge / Quest / Objective UI a bit.
  • Tombstones can no longer fall asleep. Good luck RIPing.
  • Fixed bug where minions spawned by the Vial of Minion Multiplication attacked friendlies but did no damage. They now only attack enemies.
  • Fixed a semi-common client crash (related to VFX).
  • Fixed a bug where mounting after using /pose was weird and broken.
  • Fixed bug where scores were not removed from lower difficulty Shadow Tower leaderboards after completing a higher difficulty.

Hey! This is a copy paste from me because I'm super busy polishing for beta. Nothing personal, I still love you! But this accepted submissions is one of the last wave before beta! That means we want to make sure the credits you get will get the 50% bonus when we go live! That means you need to get your info and blueprint file to us as fast as possible. Please send your email and in game name (or the one you plan to use) to **[email protected]** Totally understand this looks shady now.... but it's not. We just want this last wave of people to get the bonus!! <3 Grump

the pattern on the bottom is a bit light. It feels like metal or something over a rubber pattern. I would move them to a bit darker grey.

Forlornix, I just checked the logs, and it does show your game as using an Intel HD 4000 integrated GPU (meaning it's not using the ATI card). There are some options to get trove to use the ATI card. You could disable the intel card in the BIOS like described here: It sounds like it's not disabling the GPU automatically, so you'd want to go into setup when you boot the computer (usually hitting delete) and turn off the integrated graphics in there. Or you could make the computer use the ATI card using Catalyst Control Center's switchable graphics settings when running Trove as described here: Edit: If you can't find Catalyst Control Center (usually right clicking on the desktop should show it in the menu), then you might need to install ATI drivers; you can get them here:

Preview: nction to new players. * The Bounding Boot ally can now be crafted from the Nauti Show

Arriving on 7/7/15!

Launch is coming: on July 9th, to be precise! With it comes the launch on Steam and the release of our latest class, the Tomb Raiser! But until then, we've got plenty to entertain you with!


* You can now choose to play on the EU servers from Glyph, use the drop down in the upper right.
* EU players will automatically get sent to EU adventure worlds when entering an adventure portal. You can still join other players if you're NA or EU, just expect it to have higher latency if you do. You can use /region to see what region your world is in.

* You can now click and drag in build mode to place multiple blocks at a time.
* In build mode, the mouse wheel now rotates the block being placed.
* In build mode, a red block is now shown when attempting to place a block in an invalid spot.

* Added dungeon icons to fog of war in the map. You can now see where lairs and dungeons are located in explored areas!
* The compass now shows large dungeons and recipe lairs.
* The world map now shows recipe lairs.

* Chat messages now have a right-click menu for the sender where you can: Add them as a friend, invite them to join you, ignore them or report them for spam.
* You can now report players for spam
* The text for different club channels now have text in various shades of green.

* New Mastery rewards through level 200 have been added to the game!

* Added support for gamepads!
* The controller currently must be connected before starting Trove.


* The newbie objectives have been adjusted and there are a few new ones.
* If you haven't completed objectives that are required to be completed in the tutorial you will now be prompted to go back to the tutorial world.
* New players now select their starting class at first login.

* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Launch week wingstraveganza!
* Pricing has been updated to account for currency conversion rates. This means things will cost more Euros and Pounds.
* Credit packs now cost one cent less in American US Dollars.
* The Patron Pass is now live! This grants a ton of nice bonuses, including +2 Chaos Factor. You can buy 15 and 30 day versions in-game and recurring versions via the Glyph website.

* Added increased ranks of badges and rewards for the following categories:
** Quests Completed
** Blocks Destroyed
** Boxes Opened
** Consecutive Days Logged In
** Total Days Logged In
** Fishing
* Updated collections categories.
* Samantha the black cat is now worth 50 mastery points.
* Up through mastey rank 30, Cubit rewards are now 500 and have replaced the Credit rewards.

* Improved projectile targeting for ranged classes.
* Enemies now aggro the Fae Trickster's clone, the Pirate Captain's Pretend Pirate, and the Tomb Raiser's minions whenever they are in range, instead of just when they're spawned.
* The Fae Trickster's decoy, the Pirate Captain's Pretend Pirate, and the Tomb Raiser's minions now have a short window of invincibility after receiving damage.
* Most explosive player abilities now do much reduced block damage. The Boomeranger is the exception.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte is sometimes unable to use abilities in dragon form.
* Fixed bug where Dracolyte familiar could disappear until changing classes or relogging.
* Spikes (thorns) affix no longer debuffs the Fae Trickster's basic attack.

* If your Chaos Factor increases after receiving your daily Chaos Chests, you will get your additional chests on your next login, instead of having to wait until the next day.
* Increased the range in which player receives loot.

* The Deconstructor is now known as the Loot Collector, to better reinforce its function to new players.
* The Bounding Boot ally can now be crafted from the Nautical Assembler in the hub.
* Multiple stacks of items in your build inventory will now be properly counted when crafting.

* Changed the Featured Club World portals into a heart shape to distinguish them from other portals.
* Made the "Runner Up" Featured World portal white to distinguish it from the Novice Adventure portal.
* Updraft now in the hub!

* Many NPC abilities do much less block damage.
* Sky portal should no longer require a level to enter.
* The healing pylon boss ability now spawns less frequently, heals less frequently, and takes fewer hits to destroy.
* Reduced the damage of fireball traps.
* Reduced the duration of flamethrower traps and lava effects.
* No longer will loot sometimes fall through the world when opening a chest or placing a block on top of it.
* Ore now spawns less often in Novice and Adept worlds.
* Created a new "Quest Completed" portal for completed dungeons.
* Added delay to healing pylon so it doesn't heal immediately upon spawning.

* Changed the collections window default keybinding from I to Y.
* Changed the liked worlds default keybindings from Y to L.
* When setting a control binding that conflicts with another you are now given the option to swap these bindings.
* Usage text now appears on inventory tooltips.
* Pressing escape when the system menu and main menu are open will now close both them at the same time.
* Having the main menu open will no longer stop the mouse from being recaptured when entering a portal.
* Fixed the last member in the Club roster being cut off.
* Hotkeys displayed in the HUD are now updated immediately after rebinding in Settings.
* Tooltips and some other UI strings that reference hotkeys now display the hotkey that is currently bound instead of being hard coded.

* Increased client stability.
* Fixed a rare crash due to race condition.
* Implemented various server improvements.
* Fix bug where you would sometimes move at mounted speed while running and vice-versa.
* The client will no longer queue multiple join me requests from the same player.
* Fixed a bug where other clients could crash after a player died while mounted.
* Fixed bug where mining laser didn't collide with workbenches.
* Fixed a really annoying bug where the mining laser could target blocks behind the player.
* Blocks will no longer sometimes mysteriously reappear after being destroyed, or disappear after being placed.
* Spikes created by the Death Knight's spike bomb and the Boneblade Wraith's spike slam are no longer lootable.


* If you enter a shadow portal EU and NA players will get sent to separate worlds.
* The Dark Infineon wings don't look right.
* Gamepad Support: Some PS4 controller buttons are not currently mapped correctly.

* Boomeranger's Double sword attack has new sound.
* Ice Dragon Frost Breath audio polish.
* Boss Gravity Well audio added, Boss magic Beam audio added.
* Cactus men & golems mob sounds added.

* There are now some new default styles to enjoy.
* An assortment of new uncommon and rare face and hat styles have been added to the game!
* New VFX for the Winter and Dark Boomeranger costumes.
* All placeable objects now use the placement shader.
* New VFX for the Ghost and Master of Commanding Pirate Captain costumes.
* Added a new feather effect to the thrown parrot.
* The models for Laden Sleigh, Snowball, and Disblock board have been changed to look less like certain other in-game items.
* Dragon breath effects should now be fully in sync with their breathing animation.

* Pearlescent Pinions wings have been added to badge rewards
* Midnight Mantle wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Dark Infineon wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Aquabatic Ailerons wings have been added to badge rewards.
* Infineon Charger, Radiant Rainmaker, and the Striding Starchaser have been added to badge rewards.

* Controller buttons are remappable only directly in %APPDATA%\Trove\Trove.cfg for now. You can change the stick sensitivity using StickSensitivity in the [Input] section (defaults to 1.0).
* You can remap any button within the [Controller_Shared], [Controller_Adventure] and [Controller_Build] sections.
* Use this format: BUTTON_NAME=ActionName (ex. BTN_A=Jump)

Preview: br /> CRAFTING * New Boot allies are now live! Craft them in the Show

Arriving on 5/5/15!


* Chaos Chests have been randomized! Some seasonal mounts, some love, and a preview of the Uni-Cycle!
* New starter pack now available! This pack is $5 and contains 750 Credits, 5 Chaos Chests, the Dark Hood cosmetic unlock, and the Foreman Footwear ally unlock. This ally grants both Jump and Lasermancy!
* New wings now in the store! Xero Line and Bloodseeker. These can be purchased with Credits or Cubits.

* All Treasure Isles NPCs, spring beetles, and Desert Crabs will now drop trophies! Thanks, Tribe!

* You can now use /joinworld [clubname] to join a club's world directly! Note: this will only work for clubs that have had a member log in since the patch.

* Both Ships and Sails are now under the Ships collections tab. Both Fishing Poles and Fish are under the Fishing collections tab.
* Diggsly has leveled up his Lasermancy stat and now provides more for his allies.
* Diggsly now grants 50 mastery.

* The Shadowy Market has an assortment of new items for trade, including four new Allies, a Fishing Pole, two new sails, a Mag Rider, the Dark Hood, and the Insanisteed!

* New Boot allies are now live! Craft them in the hub by the pirate hut.

* Bloodsucker Wings now known as Bloodseeker Wings. Lore.
* Fixed a bug where blocks could be placed in the hub.
* The Feisty Flamedancer now properly spawns its invigorating flower as a when you deal damage.
* Miner's Trove and Costume Mystery Box are now opened like other boxes, rather than by being thrown on the ground.
* Boat cannons and buoy destruction should now have appropriate audio.
* The icon for the Magic Carpet has been updated and now shows it in all its glamour.
* The Disciple skin for Ice Sage now has a unique projectile for "Ice Crash"
* The Sugar Skull skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."
* The Dark Infineon skin for the Candy Barbarian now has a unique projectile for "Eis Crom Cone."

* New Shadow Dungeon from LegendaryStudios and Barneebrown.
* New bow styles by homeofmew, Arradir, ParagonHawk, se7en, PinkiePie, 5p3x, Zeeg, Lurax, MamaGabby, jolsensei, Soulrenor, ShadowF1ghter, DestinyCutter, FriedSushi, MonsterAnt, Maneledo, Fiscon, LaFreakki, Pwego, InfineonJ, Khali, MotzerellaSauce, Daeminos, Erir, Thijsss, Popez, TigerLove, Ixion, Aodahn, Madlyaza, Yuyukey, Tribe, BrianVI, Megabash, Aey, Palurian, TNT_101, colabubble, Jallafish, Buff_Mantuff, billybeatable, Minecraftian, chocobag, TeeKayM, and Niestrat99 have been added to the game!
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from KtlavskoX.
* New Fae Wilds dungeon from Walyn.
* New Undead Hills dungeon from Stedms.
* New Undead Hills lair from Arnoxuz.
* New Treasure Isles dungeon from Yuyukey.
* New Permafrost lair from Jusiv.
* New Permafrost lair from Hooborg.
* New Neon City lair from Lazy_Kyu.
* New Dragonfire Peaks lair from Khastiel.