
Ladybug is a npc found in the following biomes: Medieval Highlands,

It uses the NPC Rig: beetle and NPC Group: mob_beetle .

Medieval Highlands

Dev Tracker 11
Posts the Trove developers have made that mention "Ladybug"

Preview: restore"> Hey all, The Ladybug Invasion was always planned to star Show

Hey all,

The Ladybug Invasion was always planned to start today but due to an error it was not properly displayed as "coming soon." That error has now been fixed and we're rolling out a hotfix to update the welcome screen so it's not displaying the duplicate version of the bonus week.

All bonuses will be active on all platforms, as intended, starting next Tuesday (June 20th). Sorry for the confusion this caused.

Preview: restore"> Hey all, The Ladybug Invasion was always planned to star Show

Hey all,

The Ladybug Invasion was always planned to start today but due to an error it was not properly displayed as "coming soon." That error has now been fixed and we're rolling out a hotfix to update the welcome screen so it's not displaying the duplicate version of the bonus week.

All bonuses will be active on all platforms, as intended, starting next Tuesday (June 20th). Sorry for the confusion this caused.

Events are managed separately from updates and are already scheduled for much of the rest of the year. As I mentioned before, the ladybug invasion was already scheduled for this week. Literally...

Preview: rden.jpg" border="0" alt="" />Ladybug Wings Bouncy Ladybug Show

Autumn has fallen upon the Trovian landscape. With the turning of the season we uncover three new costume packs to take your style to another level!

The Garden Variety Look is perfect for showing off your keen fashion sense and love of the natural world. Look your best whether planting sunflowers or blasting Shadow Tower bosses.

  • Ladybug Wings
  • Bouncy Ladybug mount
  • Limber Ladybug hat
  • Rosy Nosey mask
  • Cactote Warspear
  • Sibilant Scepter
  • Beaming Beholder pistol
  • Daisy Chained Bow
  • Sward Sword

Rock the Bossy Devil Look if you land squarely on Santa’s naughty list. This is a hell of a pack for anyone looking to put the “demon” back into “demonstrate the right way to brandish a staff.”

  • Bloodseeker Wings
  • Throne of Dark Spirits mount
  • Bloodlord's Burden hat
  • Roiling Rage mask
  • Torment Stoker spear
  • Grim Grasp staff
  • Soul Sting pistol
  • Crimson Quillslinger
  • Sanguine Slayer sword

The Soul Rancher Look pack is for you if your squad goals consist of a cast photo of the Addams Family. If you tried to double major in Communications and Necromancy you’ve come to the right place!

  • Soulfire Wings
  • Shadowy Sarcophagus mount
  • Soul Surveyor hat
  • Haunting Halfskull mask
  • Grim Razor spear
  • Deathly Dragonspine staff
  • Bone Bolter bow
  • Fishbone Falchion sword
  • Spectrail Cannon pistol

Don’t dress for the job you have – dress for the job you want: butt-kicker! Move over, J.T., these haute couture collections are really bringing sexy back.

Preview:" border="0" alt="" /> You Show

You thought they were so adorable, but that's what they wanted you to think. They've played us all for fools and now they are back with a vengeance!

Ladybug invasions will rain chaos down upon the Trovian landscape and will not stop until the whole world is a red and black polka dot wasteland...or patch day. Fend off these frenzied fiends and have a chance to collect a Ladybug helm of your very own.

You'll even have a chance to pick up the greatest prize of all: friendship. Oh, and also this pair of gorgeous ladybug wings!

Don't let these ladybugs intimidate you. They may take our land, but they'll never take our FREEDOM!

Preview: for 66% off of their credit price! Ladybug Invaders are coming to eat your fac Show

Weekly Events
  • Chaos chests have been shuffled! Be on the lookout for the Xero Line Wings!
  • Flasks and Emblems are on sale for 66% off of their credit price!
  • Ladybug Invaders are coming to eat your face!

New Stat Leaderboards!
  • Items Deconstructed
  • Hearts Sent
  • Invaders Killed
  • Pinatas Thrown
  • Pinatas Looted
  • Infinium Mined
  • Glim Collected (with the release of this patch, this value, as seen in /stats, will be reset to 0)

Misc Fixes
  • Fixed a memory leak.
  • Fixed a bug where under certain circumstances the Glim collected stat would increase much more than it should have.

Preview: uch Sail (creations by Milambit), Bee Sail, Ladybug Sail, Serpent's Nest, or Compass Ro Show

Arriving on 8/18/15!

=== Game Update ===

New Adventure Chest!
Get aboard the Manta Train! Green and Blue manta rays are the new mounts in the Adventure box! Created by FriedSushi!

Chaos Chest loot has been shuffled! This week's potential prizes include:
  • Mount: Boneweaver
  • Wings: Arcanium Discord
  • Ship: Chaotic Clipper
  • Mag Rider: Mahogan Toboggan

New Sails!
The pirates of the treasure isles have brought in a new shipment of sails from distant lands. Find them and exchange your Glim for the Inner Sea, Raider Sail, Foolish Fish, Much Sail (creations by Milambit), Bee Sail, Ladybug Sail, Serpent's Nest, or Compass Rose!

Daimeownt's Retinue - Three new Meownts available on the store!
  • Daimeownt
  • Ari Gato
  • Domo Gato

Bug Fixes and Polish
  • Fixed a bug where the "Lock" icon for abilities you couldn't use would go away if you rebound that ability's hotkey
  • The Dracolyte familiar now dances when you do!
  • You can now type /played to see how much time you have played Trove total. Unfortunately this only starts counting after this update.
  • Dreamolyte's boots are now the right color!
  • Fixed some client memory leaks!

Community Creations
  • New bow styles by Lacirev_, Reggid, Arradir, Ejthepro, Rlrlrl, Jamster, Mobryn, Keroloth, Battleschlumpf, Dddsasul, IGN, Ryuujiin, Synsixx, wickedSkies, Eriri, randomer679, CaPower12, Wultiplicity, Pwanchy, DarkKnightWolf, Nullfinity, AtomicHoagie, DakotaSpine, Stedms, Saffrontato, Crizo, RocketCarrot, JeeveSobs, seedyman, CrazyChild, SolarSentinel, small_angry_owl, ChaosWasTaken, Dryblood, Synix and The_Illuminati have been added to the game!
  • New Hat styles by Popez, Sheribonbon, Dowiet, Eriri, Knightlock, Mansage, Fuzz, AdamantSpartan, billybeatable, AtomicHoagie, ZESTZKIDZ, PinkNekoGirl, Curare, Baltimore, Qoaleth, Mew2ian, Stedms, GadgetCAT, AtomicSmore, Aviarei, Zwatchdog, HaruFenix, Alaskan, Scheurmuis, Humpypants, Ampitere, Antoniouss, Aodahn, indal, Darklaw, GogestickCJ, Manouco, MCfan567, Xanthius, jokerr77, Forgive, Dusty_Mustard, Sokkan, Turtle_In_A_TopHat, IdaTheCat, Narwiff, Dominus_Storm, BuguSparkle, JordanX120, McClutchin, TeamRocketGrunt, DecibHell, Lisa_Kusya, Gregorius, TheFluffyRaptor and EyeballPrincessII have been added to the game!

If Avarem said so, it will be so. Don't you trust Avarem? He's a benevolent entity, despite all the horrors you folks spring upon him in the form of ladybug hordes. :)

This is amazingly wonderful.

Looks right to me

[WINGS] Ladybug Wings Avarem / Trove Forums