Community Dreams

Mod Packs (Release) Created by octarock 6 years ago, updated 3 years ago

Introduction (Pack Live 31/12/2019) 

Hi, This pack started off as an idea to make a replacement for streamer dreams for all the people that were told they were going to have a SD  and never get back to them. I wanted to give them something a kind fan made streamer dream 4. But as I started to look into it. I found out there was a lot more to our community than just streamers. Some of you would not even know who they were without something like this pack showcasing them. The people that i wanted to be part of this help in so many ways to keep our community a fun and nice place to be part of.

But first, how am I even going to do this I never made anything like this not even one mod. I'm not a trove modder so I started looking around and thanks to Evilagician modding 101 I made my first every mod Wicky That's now in the game as [Waxy Wanderer] .

So from there, I work out the basics getting better over time. I started to get to work I started asking people one thing. If you could have an ally in trove what would it be? I said tell me everything and I try to make it real.  The first person that got back to me was Lordfafy.

When it was done I show him and this what he told me Lordfafy 02/22/2019 "Omgggggggggggg I LOVE IT!!! Hhahah it's so derpyy its genius"

From that response, I knew I had to make this a full pack so I got work again. I have been working very hard but to see the joy in people's faces when they see what they told me in-game. It makes me want to find more and more people. In order to give back to this community  that has given me so much.

Now Thanks To These People
- WolfBrother13le my mod on stream helped me find so many streamers I did not know of.
- ReaverBlade my friend worked behind the scenes in order to make mods compatible with troves engine. I as learned quickly i am no programmer but thank you so much man even though you do not play trove you still help make this even a thing. He does so much he did not even want to have his name on anything as to him all he did was turn the files into a working t.mod but to me, without him, this would not be possible. Thank you so much, man
- Etaew for giving me the idea to ask the fan artist to be part of this.
- Ylva for giving me names of others I should get hold of.
- SkyRider3217 / SkyTheVirus / meekoz / MisterY These are Trove mod makers that helped me with tips and when I got stuck.
- ixitimmyixi For helping me with VFX without him there no way I would even be able to even know how to make any of this work. so thank you so much man
- To the game devs for supporting me in end it took a bit for me to full have you guys understand what I was doing but it all paid off in the end and I hope this help you and the new people on the team understand why this community is so special to me and thanks to  Pass CM gedc & CM Mobi
- I also want to thank the people that dropped in on my streams and support me as I made them and let the people who it was for know that i was streaming and finding other people that deserved to be part of this.


Legal And Info

Now for the part that needed to be added.

Why I have I not hit the Mod Submission Button. Well this pack has come under a well we like to call a gray zone as anything added in this pack are owned by right holders of the person it made for but with the legal agreement it would give Gamigo full rights to something they do not have rights too like with Trove Streamer Abyzab for example Abyzab: " I'm more than happy to let Zabs, this little ally of him, be put into the game, Trove. But as the sole holder of his copyright, in no way shape or form give away in part or in full the license to his copyright."

So what I been told by the Game Devs Is to put the pack up on here and Get as much hype around the pack as possible and to get people talking about and let them know and we will see what can happen. So far it is a maybe as this pack would be something unprecedented.

To end this I have complied all the reactions to me sending each person there finished ally. I gave each person a google doc in order to gather all the info I needed like name, description, etc, but at the end, i asked them to write a little message if they wanted to so here is that.  Hugs all


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