Better I.C.E Rave Costume's VFX Submitted

Mod Description
Makes the VFX of this costume to match with it and make your eyes bleed less

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
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liked this!


Thanks for fixing stupid dev mess xD

damn this is so much better than original lol

liked this!


liked this!


liked this!


If that's how long it takes you to vfx for IS costumes Why don't you do some vfx for bard costume too? you would be the only one capable of adding vfx to that broken costume👍


Could I do it? Of course

Am I going to? Depends on the quality of said vfxs once are added, I only did this because they were horrible

liked this!


I think you will do well. Also, if you are successful with the bard vfx you can even change the vfx of other bard costumes and put that style of fire and lava that you like to do.

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r

Notes: Makes the VFX of this costume to match with it and make your eyes bleed less

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 12+
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_freezeblast_blast_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_freezeblast_detonate_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_freezeblast_snare_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_icicledrop_caster_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_icicledrop_impact_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_icicledrop_reticle_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_regularattack_impact_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_regularattack_muzzleflash_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_regularattack_projectile_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_regularattack_snare_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ability_shield_shield_01
    • character_pc_icemage_rave_ambient_snowfall_01
  • png 1+
    • bettericeravevfx

I.C.E. Rave costume's VFX

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: January 4, 2022

Submitted: January 4, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,789

Downloads: 27

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