Different versions of files for this mod.
It has 42 Blueprints and 3 edited prefabs in total. All instructions are inside
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 42+
- c_m_bonebladb_cape
- c_m_bonebladb_head
- c_m_bonebladb_jaw
- c_m_bonebladb_l_hand
- c_m_bonebladb_r_hand
- c_m_bonebladb_tail
- c_m_bonebladb_torso
- c_m_boneblade_cape
- c_m_boneblade_head
- c_m_boneblade_jaw
- c_m_boneblade_l_hand
- c_m_boneblade_r_hand
- c_m_boneblade_tail
- c_m_boneblade_torso
- c_m_frostwraitb_cape
- c_m_frostwraitb_head
- c_m_frostwraitb_jaw
- c_m_frostwraitb_l_hand
- c_m_frostwraitb_r_hand
- c_m_frostwraitb_tail
- c_m_frostwraitb_torso
- c_m_frostwraith_cape
- c_m_frostwraith_head
- c_m_frostwraith_jaw
- c_m_frostwraith_l_hand
- c_m_frostwraith_r_hand
- c_m_frostwraith_tail
- c_m_frostwraith_torso
- c_m_wraitb_cape
- c_m_wraitb_head
- c_m_wraitb_jaw
- c_m_wraitb_l_hand
- c_m_wraitb_r_hand
- c_m_wraitb_tail
- c_m_wraitb_torso
- c_m_wraith_cape
- c_m_wraith_head
- c_m_wraith_jaw
- c_m_wraith_l_hand
- c_m_wraith_r_hand
- c_m_wraith_tail
- c_m_wraith_torso
- binfab 3+
- wraith_boneblade_boss
- wraith_boss
- wraith_rimetalon_boss
- txt 1+
- Read me, please
Extra information for this mod.
Created: August 4, 2021
Type: ZIP
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 1,797
Downloads: 98
Inspired Work
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Normal and Boss wraiths use color pattern of wraith and ghost from Heroes of Might and Magic 3
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