Magman Delve Boss but he's now slightly bulky

Mod Description

Was slightly triggered by the fact that there's 3 Delve Bosses which look like Delve patch creatures (2 of them even have the same name). So i changed a little one of them - the Magman boss:
Added Shoulders, made one of the hands (the one which it uses for a power punch) lava-powered, made crown on its head based on Udunn's head and added lava pools to all 6 blueprints.
This thing is slightly unique in terms that it affects only Delve boss: Delve magmans as normal npcs and magmans from Dragonfire peacks ARE not affected because of changed calls in binfab which is included in .zip archive to make it work. (Instruction at replacing binfab is also presented)

Known issues:
1.Not changed memento and boss delve gateway models (need to look how to do it)
2.Sometimes instead of changed Magman - you can see the original one. Happens if you relog during the battle or if you teleported to the bossroom when boss already was summoned.

By the way - called him "Elder Magman"

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

5.2 KB

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This one is so much better.

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 6+
    • c_m_laveman_body
    • c_m_laveman_head
    • c_m_laveman_l_foot
    • c_m_laveman_l_hand
    • c_m_laveman_r_foot
    • c_m_laveman_r_hand
  • binfab 1+
    • lavaman_boss
  • txt 1+
    • Instruction

Magman (Delve Boss)

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: January 1, 2021

Type: ZIP

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,411

Downloads: 118

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Ok-ok, as inspiration i slightly took Udunn's visual.

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