Fornix Submitted

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 31+
    • C_C_quchik_beak
    • C_C_quchik_crest
    • C_C_quchik_head
    • C_C_quchik_L_eye
    • C_C_quchik_L_foot
    • C_C_quchik_L_wing
    • C_C_quchik_R_eye
    • C_C_quchik_R_foot
    • C_C_quchik_R_wing
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_gem
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_heart
    • c_p_adventurer_basic_urn
    • c_p_adventurer_foot_l
    • c_p_adventurer_foot_r
    • c_p_adventurer_hand_l
    • c_p_adventurer_hand_r
    • c_p_adventurer_hips
    • c_p_adventurer_pack
    • c_p_adventurer_shin_l
    • c_p_adventurer_shin_r
    • c_p_adventurer_shoulder_l
    • c_p_adventurer_shoulder_r
    • c_p_adventurer_thigh_l
    • c_p_adventurer_thigh_r
    • c_p_adventurer_torso
    • equipment_helm_shadow
    • equipment_weapon_1h_sword_001
    • equipment_weapon_bomb_001
    • equipment_weapon_bow_001[Destral]
Moderator Note

Permitted by Acculluz to be edited by [Delicious]

Delicious noted:
I don't want to take credit for the perfection that this mod was already in, but I did want to submit them to give them a chance to be seen by the devs. Thank Acculluz for making such beautiful creations! \o/


This mod replaces : - The basic boomeranger costume - Shadome Helm - Chipped Sword (default sword) - Practice Bow (default bow) *also changes the bomb icon*

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: July 19, 2015

Submitted: March 14, 2019

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 6,922

Downloads: 990

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