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TMOD MetadataShow
Author: ChaozDesignz
Tags: Costume,Neon Ninja
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 52+
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- png 1+
- somber-silencer-mainpreview
The Lunar Ronin Costume, Lunar Ronin Helm, and Lunar Ronin Sword Lunar Ronin
Created: July 27, 2020
Updated: July 26, 2020
Submitted: July 27, 2020
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,750
Steam Workshop Views: 3,944
Downloads: 63
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Inspiration for the mod came from a combination of things, but was all made to be original in its own sort of nature.
Helmet: The general helmet design was inspired by Fuze's from Rainbow Six Siege mixed with a hood + more featured gas mask
Chest Piece: The chest design was inspired by Halo Reach's character Jun and it was mostly made to look like a cloth was draped over it. The rest of the design was made around this to have more of a marauder sort of look while still remaining futuristic for what the neon ninja is known for.
Everything else: The mandibles on the left arm, the offset shoulders, etc were made in a way that it would give off a marauder or wastelander type of vibe.
The intent was to look like a Neon Ninja was stranded in the everdark/shadows and adapted his costume to fit the harsh landscapes as well as blend in to his surroundings.
Visible on TroveTools