Stargate Constrata Submitted

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what an amzing creation dude! Nice work!


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I'm in love with the sail, that's gorgeous. Great job!!



Very good job!

I have added a lot of details on  the version i have submitted, but i have to admit, this version is better :D 

- The sail is so pretty , i like what you did with the corners

- The cannon is awesome (by the way can you teach me how you did that?)

- The only thing i don't like is the big glowing square , on the side of the boat, at the rear , because it is breaking the lovely line of last moon , except that it is perfect :D 


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Amazing boat virus! I love the details and the side wings and cannon. The sail is insanely detailed, simply insane stuff.

Keep up the great work! :D

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Good lord, I was hoping to make something like this but it looks like you beat me to it. This came out splendidly! Seriously, nice job! Would definitely love to see this in-game as an official item!

Devs would have to be crazy NOT to have something like this in their pack. 👍


Well, I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but its just a dream and not a reality.

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Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: SkyTheVirus

Tags: Sail,Ship

Notes: Replaces Pinata God's Galleon and the simple sail into the grand lunar boat

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 14+
    • c_mt_boat_cannon_pinata
    • c_mt_boat_cannon_pinata_base
    • c_mt_boat_large_pinata_01
    • c_mt_boat_large_pinata_02
    • c_mt_boat_large_pinata_ui[octarock]
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_c
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_l
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_bot_r
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_center_d
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_center_u
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_c
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_l
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_top_r
    • c_mt_boat_sail_white_ui
  • png 1+
    • lunar
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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: June 10, 2020

Updated: August 3, 2020

Submitted: June 10, 2020

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 3,363

Downloads: 319

Visible on TroveTools