First of Many to come to the plan is to make many and make a full pack
Also Only As a Zip. as the person that would help make T mods Is very busy these days One day I make as all T,mods but zips will do for now.
I had lot asking for me to put the first one out for months The plan was to put out In 1 full pack but now I put out one by one. For the Main reason about 3weeks ago and had my SSD &hard drive die one me I spent hours the last week remake him.
Also to make Mount work the best I plan to make some of them will base around epic wings people have made these wings by Ainogommon Work so well with so if want to look the best it's good to add them with it as well https://trovesaurus.com/mod=4326/wing-insanity-glider
He has full custom made VFXS base around old Bale Fire vfxs but update an made to look good with the mount enjoy all i have in works a steam punk one & a molten glass & nebula cloud. So keep a look and enjoy the first of many.
All Made live On https://www.twitch.tv/octarock
The Video below show The Vfxs Of the mount the Main body was changed so many time till it looks right an that the mod u have now.
The BaleFire Corrupted Pegasus longma Dragon Horse
video for mod show case Embed
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 14+
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_body_01
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_body_02
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_body_02_a
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_body_02_s
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_body_02_t
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_foot_bl
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_foot_br
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_foot_fl
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_foot_fr
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_head
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_neck_01
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_neck_02
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_neck_03
- c_mt_warhorse_pegasus_shadow_tail
- pkfx 3+
- character_mount_pegasus_shadow_aura_01
- character_mount_pegasus_shadow_jump_01
- character_mount_pegasus_shadow_print_01

Created: April 8, 2020
Submitted: April 8, 2020
Type: ZIP
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 3,726
Downloads: 183
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
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