This mod replaces the Starter Gunslinger Costume and Shadome hat
I used the same color scheme and material map as the Torching Turret to match the gun with the costume.
༼ つ ◕_◕ ༽つ "circles"
Normal Attack
Charge Shot
Blast Jump
Ultimate: Run and Gun
You can check more Images of the costume here:
Mod FilesShow
- pkfx 18+
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_blastJump_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_charging_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_charging_02
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_impact_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_impact_02
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_impact_03
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_muzzleFlash_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_muzzleFlash_02
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_muzzleFlash_03
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_projectile_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_projectile_02
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_projectile_03
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_cooldown_ready_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_passive_activated_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_regularAttack_impact_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_regularAttack_muzzleFlash_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_regularAttack_projectile_01
- character_pc_gunslinger_ability_runAndGun_aura_01
- blueprint 17+
- C_P_gun_slinger_belt
- C_P_gun_slinger_cape_01
- C_P_gun_slinger_cape_02
- C_P_gun_slinger_cape_03
- C_P_gun_slinger_L_foot
- C_P_gun_slinger_L_hand
- C_P_gun_slinger_L_shin
- C_P_gun_slinger_L_shoulder
- C_P_gun_slinger_L_thigh
- C_P_gun_slinger_R_foot
- C_P_gun_slinger_R_hand
- C_P_gun_slinger_R_shin
- C_P_gun_slinger_R_shoulder
- C_P_gun_slinger_R_thigh
- C_P_gun_slinger_torso
- C_P_gun_slinger_ui
- equipment_helm_shadow
Permitted by Acculluz to be edited by [Delicious]
Delicious noted:I don't want to take credit for the perfection that this mod was already in, but I did want to submit them to give them a chance to be seen by the devs. Thank Acculluz for making such beautiful creations! \o/
Created: June 15, 2015
Submitted: March 14, 2019
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 5,290
Downloads: 599
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