TMOD MetadataShow
Author: WibFlip
Tags: Costume,Gunslinger,Scythe
Notes: Replaces Sunset Slinger custome (From Shadow Towers)
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 16+
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_belt
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_cape_01
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_cape_02
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_cape_03
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_foot_l
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_foot_r
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_hand_l
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_hand_r
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_shin_l
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_shin_r
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_shoulder_l
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_shoulder_r
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_thigh_l
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_thigh_r
- c_p_gun_slinger_moonsilver_torso
- equipment_helm_gunslinger_moonsilver
- png 1+
- shadow of the west
Sunset Slinger
Extra information for this mod.
Created: August 1, 2019
Type: TMOD
Originality: Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 2,350
Downloads: 50
Inspired Work
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Based on Scyushi's NN Shadow Dagger
Visible on TroveTools