EpikDisko(Costume) Not Submitted

Mod Description

Imagine wearing casual clothes to a world where you always fight. Why use complicated clothes when they don't protect you at all? Plus, they are uncomfortable to wear. NO VFX CHANGE. (Skin tone 2)

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  • blueprint 12+
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_foot_l
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_foot_r
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_hand_l
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_hand_r
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_shin_l
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_shin_r
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_shoulder_l
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_shoulder_r
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_thigh_l
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_thigh_r
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_torso
    • c_p_neon_ninja_amperium_ui

Digital Daemon

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Created: March 3, 2019

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,157

Downloads: 98

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