The Harbinger's Armor Not Submitted

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The Harbinger shall avenge the lost and protect the light

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Revenant's Shoulders, Cape Color, and Shield to match the Harbinger from the GlowDonkian Mythos

2.9 KB


Born from the everdark and raised by traitors of Q'bthulhu, this Shadow-Trovian will become known as "The Harbinger". His true name is Arcques Sharles and he is 350 years old. He had forged his signature armor in memory of his deceased wife (which was a Trovian who died at the hands of the Shadows) and was imbued with the Soul of the Centurion to raise his fighting spirit, along with making him immortal. As soon as he tore the Cyberlord who killed Sire GlowDonkia's mother into shreds in sheer rage, the Sire summoned him to give him the GlowDonkian Coat of Arms. A shield that can summon the almighty Sire himself in case the Harbinger was injured or outnumbered.

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    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_bot_c
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    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shield
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shoulder_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shoulder_r

[collection=Level 20 Revenant]

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Created: January 3, 2019

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 1,878

Downloads: 37

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