Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on June 18, 2024. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.

- Fix loot collecting
- Auto unlock stellar gems, and auto lock crystal gems are now the norm.
- Add internal flux calculation on farmable loot (required for flux per hour integration into Clock+).
- Add total flux collectable box that displays the total amount of flux that is going to be collected when you hit collect all (only works for the farmable items like shadow, stellar and some other items that has a flux value).
- Lock Bard class gem based on gem lock levels.
- Add support for troves built in mod configuration.
- Add configuration options to the mod, head over to my configuration tool at https://orw.se/configuration
WARNING: This loot collector mod unlocks all stellar gear pieces and crystal level 1 & 2 gear pieces all the time (you cannot manually lock these items), this mod is hence not recommended for the average player!
Use new configuration mod "Mod Settings - Companion" to configure instead.
Some settings can be configured: https://orw.se/configuration

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I just realized today this also is unlocking Crystal 2 Gear. I thought it was supposed to only unlock Crystal 1?
Would it be possible to update the loot collector to lock all rare fish and jumping jadefin??? please?
which part are you having trouble with? check to see you dont have any other loot collector mods installed that might be interfering with this mod. its not an add on like the favorite friends one, its a separate mod on its own
i see, first i had both superior loot collector from exodave and this one and they both worked but then i updated my essential mods that i havent done in a while and since then it doesnt want to work no matter what i do, if i just have the advanced mod in it acts as if i have no loot collector mod and when i try putting the exodave superior with the advanced it doesnt auto unlock ive tried looking to see if i had any other mods that may have changed the loot collector there was one i suspected so i deleted it but to no affect
ok i found the issue i had an outdated ui package mod i needed to get rid of and it works again ty <3
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: TheSymbol & ExoDave
Notes: WARNING: This loot collector mod unlocks all stellar gear pieces and crystal level 1 gear pieces all the time (you cannot manually lock these items), this mod is hence not recommended for the average player!
Preview Path: ui/superior_lootcollector_advanced.png
Mod FilesShow

Created: December 24, 2018
Updated: March 19, 2023
Type: TMOD
Originality: Collaborative Work
Trovesaurus Views: 46,216
Steam Workshop Views: 33,017
Downloads: 24,186
This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.
Normal Version: https://trovesaurus.com/mod=4667/exodave-superior-loot-collector
Visible on TroveTools