Different versions of files for this mod.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Evilagician
Tags: Costume,Boomeranger
Notes: Based on Concept art of Mau5head
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 31+
- c_c_quchik_beak
- c_c_quchik_crest
- c_c_quchik_head
- c_c_quchik_l_eye
- c_c_quchik_l_foot
- c_c_quchik_l_wing
- c_c_quchik_r_eye
- c_c_quchik_r_foot
- c_c_quchik_r_wing
- c_p_adventurer_basic_bawkbomb
- c_p_adventurer_basic_bomb
- c_p_adventurer_basic_boomerang
- c_p_adventurer_basic_gem
- c_p_adventurer_basic_heart
- c_p_adventurer_basic_urn
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_foot_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_foot_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hand_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hand_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hips
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_pack
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shin_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shin_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shoulder_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shoulder_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_thigh_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_thigh_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_torso
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_ui
- equipment_helm_shadow
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword_001
Extra information for this mod.
Created: June 4, 2018
Type: TMOD
Originality: Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 5,217
Downloads: 305
Inspired Work
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Based on art by mau5head
Visible on TroveTools
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