Classic Ores

Mod Description

Beta ore textures with updated block effect sheet.

REQUIRES MANUAL INSTALLATION IN: Trove\Live\textures\override

Extract "" and "" from the .zip file and place inside of the textures override folder. If that folder doesnot exsist, simply create it inside of textures.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Initial release.

26.5 KB


Saving the .dds files in such a way that TroveTools.NET will accept it as a TMOD results in major quality loss. These override files work, jsut need to be put in place manually. If anyone knows of a better way of compressing the files in such a way that it won't lose quality or will make a .tmod happy, please message me, thanks.

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Works. Looks really better!

Quick ZIP

Mod FilesShow

  • dds 2+
    • block_diffuse_sheet
    • block_effect_sheet

Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: April 25, 2018

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 5,286

Downloads: 240

Visible on TroveTools