Mod Accepted - This mod was accepted into the game 7 years ago

-Slight adjustments to right and left shoulders
-Torso fixed a few stray blocks
-Fixed a misplaced block on back skirt
-Adjusted some blocks on weapon skin due to clipping issues
-Passive Spectre now has a theme associated with the costume (5.1 Edit)
-Fixed a stray block on right shoulder, both the costume and UI file (5.2 Edit)
-Slightly adjusted the left shoulder pad to be less block and more rounded (5.21 Edit)
These changes were made in preparation for the mod to be added into the game as official content.
-Slight adjustments to right and left shoulders
-Torso fixed a few stray blocks
-Fixed a misplaced block on back skirt
-Adjusted some blocks on weapon skin due to clipping issues
-Passive Spectre now has a theme associated with the costume (5.1 Edit)
-Fixed a stray block on right shoulder, both the costume and UI file (5.2 Edit)
-Slightly adjusted the left shoulder pad to be less block and more rounded (5.21 Edit)
These changes were made in preparation for the mod to be added into the game as official content.
-Slight adjustments to right and left shoulders
-Torso fixed a few stray blocks
-Fixed a misplaced block on back skirt
-Adjusted some blocks on weapon skin due to clipping issues
-Passive Spectre now has a theme associated with the costume (5.1 Edit)
-Fixed a stray block on right shoulder, both the costume and UI file (5.2 Edit)
-Slightly adjusted the left shoulder pad to be less block and more rounded (5.21 Edit)
These changes were made in preparation for the mod to be added into the game as official content.
-Slight adjustments to right and left shoulders
-Torso fixed a few stray blocks
-Fixed a misplaced block on back skirt
-Adjusted some blocks on weapon skin due to clipping issues
-Passive Spectre now has a theme associated with the costume (5.1 Edit)
-Fixed a stray block on right shoulder, both the costume and UI file (5.2 Edit)
These changes were made to better suit the mod to prepare the mod to be added into the game.
-Slight adjustments to right and left shoulders
-Torso fixed a few stray blocks
-Fixed a misplaced block on back skirt
-Adjusted some blocks on weapon skin due to clipping issues
-Passive Spectre now has a theme associated with the costume
-Fixed a piece of the Spectre's head
These changes were made to better suit the mod to prepare the mod to be added into the game.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: WhyFii
Tags: Costume,Revenant
Notes: Minor changes to shoulder. UI adjusted for fix.
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 34+
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_c
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_bot_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_mid
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_top_c
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_top_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_cape_top_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_elbow_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_elbow_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_foot_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_foot_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hand_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hand_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_hips
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shield
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shin_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shin_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shoulder_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_shoulder_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_b
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_fl
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_fr
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_skirt_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_torso
- c_p_spirit_tank_lvl2_ui
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_cape
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_hand_l
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_hand_r
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_head
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_jaw
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_tail
- c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_torso
- equipment_weapon_1h_spear_startswap
- png 1+
- main
Created: February 15, 2018
Updated: March 4, 2018
Accepted: February 27, 2018
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,487
Downloads: 500
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
This mod has been accepted by Trion and is being added into the game!
Not visible on Trove Tools
Trove Tools is an older app and doesn't handle the amount of mods we list very well, so we have a few restrictions for mods to show up.
- Has already been accepted into game