Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_l_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_l_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_l_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_l_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_l_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_r_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_r_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_r_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_r_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_r_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_lunar_torso
- equipment_helm_neon_ninja_lunar[thelgmo]
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword_neon_ninja_lunar[thelgmo]
Lunar Neon Ninja's costume, helmet and sword.
Might make it replace something else but I don't even have the game installed anymore. However, if the demand is there I'll deal with it eventually. Alternatively I will add the blueprints as download as well, so you can make it replace whatever you want.
Extra information for this mod.
Created: October 4, 2017
Type: TMOD
Originality: Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 5,212
Downloads: 354
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