Ronin Gunslinger Not Submitted

Mod Description

Learn the ways of the Ronin, harness the power of the dragon and unleash powerfull attacks towards your enemies. Hope you enjoy this mods :D and hopefully we can make it in game :3

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Better vfx

25.2 KB

Due to request the mod now replaces worn flintlock!

25.2 KB

25.2 KB

Comments and Likes Comments 3

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I am going to give you some actual serious criticism and I hope I don't sound too mean when I do this. Back in the times of feudal Japan a ronin was a samurai who had no master, but samurai never used guns so this costume makes seemingly no sense. Is this costume still a good concept? Yes it is. Is it well executed? Well, although the concept is good the guns seem to be a bit bulky and the use of dragons seems more Chinese rather than Japanese. All in all this costume is ok and I might go ahead and take it back to my place, edit it, and then use it personally, if you wouldn't mind my doing so. I know this is only your first mod so I don't want to discourage you or anything, if you want I could teach you a bit more about modding Trove. You have lots of potential and I hope I see one of your costumes in game one day!


Thank you for the critisicm! it is greatly appreciated, firstly this didnt start out as Ronin i was creating a New year slinger mod, but after i was done i had a hard time actually comming up with a Title, im still thinking about the title. The guns are bulky and im still trying to make them smaller while still keeping the dragon aspect. yes, i would like to learn more about modding, I am willing to learn and improve .

thank you and

have a great day !

Escuse my grammar

I did some more research and found out that China apparently had something called You Xia, who were considered lower class and also referred to as "wandering vigilante" (ronin) and upon further investigation guns had already been introduced to China at that point, so this costume makes total sense if it is Chinese! By the way if you can contact me on Skype (live:dj02262002), Discord (FeztacularGames#3893), or just use my email ([email protected]). 

Quick ZIP

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 15+
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_belt
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_cape_01
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_cape_02
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_cape_03
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_L_foot
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_L_shin
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_L_shoulder
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_L_thigh
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_R_foot
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_R_shin
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_R_shoulder
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_R_thigh
    • C_P_gun_slinger_lvl3_torso
    • equipment_hat_COcap[Sqwyt]
    • equipment_weapon_pirate_starter
  • pkfx 5+
    • character_pc_gunslinger_ability_blastJump_01
    • character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_charging_01
    • character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_charging_02
    • character_pc_gunslinger_ability_chargeShot_charging_03
    • character_pc_gunslinger_ability_regularAttack_projectile_01

The mod replaces:


commanding cap

level 20 gunslinger costume 


Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: September 26, 2017

Updated: September 28, 2017

Type: ZIP

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 4,693

Steam Workshop Views: 3,162

Downloads: 356

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

made by BlazingKnight / thecomicalartist 

Not visible on Trove Tools

Trove Tools is an older app and doesn't handle the amount of mods we list very well, so we have a few restrictions for mods to show up.

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