Celestial Harbinger of Divinity Not Submitted

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

 remove the black and added more white and shaders

6.7 MB

6.7 MB

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The developers will definitely add this costume into the game one day.

that looks amazing!

will you put it on steam. by any chance?

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Mod FilesShow

  • dds 163+
    • 1x1_white
    • character_pc_knight_ability_charge_followThrough_02
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    • hot_one_proj
    • hot_zero 2x2
    • hot_zero_proj
    • ickarus 4x1
    • ickarus 4x1_01
    • leaf
    • music_wings_medium_01
    • Untitled-1
    • Untitled-2
    • vfx_alchemy_circle_04
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    • vfx_arc_01
    • vfx_arc_02
    • vfx_arc_03
    • vfx_arc_04
    • vfx_arc_05
    • vfx_arc_06
    • vfx_arc_12
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    • vfx_bubble_fb4x4_01
    • vfx_burst_fb2x2_01
    • vfx_burst_fb4x1_01
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    • vfx_circle_03_alpha
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    • vfx_circle_04
    • vfx_circle_05
    • vfx_circle_06
    • vfx_circle_07
    • vfx_circle_12
    • vfx_circle_13_add-alpha
    • vfx_circle_14
    • vfx_circle_26
    • vfx_circle_fb2x2_01
    • vfx_circle_fb4x4_01
    • vfx_cloud_02
    • vfx_cloud_03
    • vfx_cloud_12
    • vfx_crater_01
    • vfx_cross_01
    • vfx_Cube_gradient_01
    • vfx_debris_01
    • vfx_debris_02
    • vfx_debris_03
    • vfx_deckl_01
    • vfx_deck_01
    • vfx_deck_02
    • vfx_demonicsymbol_02
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    • vfx_electricity_fb4x1_01
    • vfx_electricity_fb4x4_01
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    • vfx_explosion_01
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    • vfx_feather_02
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    • vfx_flame_01
    • vfx_freq_01
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    • vfx_gradient_03
    • vfx_gradient_04
    • vfx_gradient_05
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    • vfx_leaf_02
    • vfx_lightning_curved_blurred_fb1x4_01
    • vfx_lightning_curved_fb1x4_01
    • vfx_lines_01
    • vfx_moon_01
    • vfx_moon_crescent_01
    • vfx_mount_cat_frosthound_circle_09
    • vfx_mount_cycle_crimsonnight_wheel_saw
    • vfx_mount_warhorse_bullinfineon_infineon_runes_2x2
    • vfx_neon_square_01
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    • vfx_rays_22
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    • vfx_slash_01
    • vfx_slash_11
    • vfx_smokecloud_fb4x4_01
    • vfx_smoke_fb5x5_01
    • vfx_smoke_fb5x5_01_alphaadd
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    • vfx_sparkle_01_VH
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    • vfx_splash_droplets_plasma_fb2x2
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    • vfx_square_03
    • vfx_square_04
    • vfx_star_01
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    • vfx_sun_corona_01
    • vfx_sun_corona_11
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    • vfx_sun_disc_11
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    • vfx_sun_rays_02
    • vfx_sun_rays_11
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    • vfx_turnup_02
    • vfx_turnup_03
    • vfx_turnup_04
    • vfx_vinyl_01
    • vfx_vinyl_010
    • vfx_vinyl_011
    • vfx_vinyl_012
    • vfx_vinyl_02
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    • vfx_vinyl_06
    • vfx_vinyl_07
    • vfx_vinyl_08
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    • vfx_waterspray_01
    • vfx_whirlpool_01
    • vfx_whitenoise_fb2x2_01
    • vfx_windstreak_01
    • vfx_windstreak_11
    • vfx_wings_simple_Jet
    • vfx_wings_simple_Jet - small
    • vfx_wings_simple_Jet - trail
    • vfx_wings_simple_Jet - trail - Copy
  • blueprint 34+
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_bot_c
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_bot_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_bot_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_mid
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_top_c
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_top_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_cape_top_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_elbow_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_elbow_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_foot_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_foot_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_hand_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_hand_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_hips
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shield
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shin_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shin_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_shoulder_l
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    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_skirt_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_skirt_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_lvl3_torso
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_cape
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_hand_l
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_hand_r
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_head
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_jaw
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_tail
    • c_p_spirit_tank_spectre_basic_torso
    • equipment_helm_shadow
    • equipment_weapon_1h_spear_044
  • pkfx 11+
    • character_pc_spirittank_act1_spiritspears_cone_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_act2_shieldbash_cone_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_basic_spear_impact_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_basic_spear_thrust_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_passive_bloodwraith_despawn_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_passive_bloodwraith_spawn_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_passive_leech_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_passive_spiritcharge_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_ult_spiritstorm_attract_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_ult_spiritstorm_impact_01
    • character_pc_spirittank_ult_spiritstorm_projectile_01
  • pkat 9+
    • atlasDef_2x1
    • atlasDef_2x2
    • atlasDef_3x2
    • atlasDef_3x3
    • atlasDef_4x1
    • atlasDef_4x4
    • atlasDef_5x5
    • atlasDef_8x1
    • wings_insect
  • txt 7+
    • atlasDef_2x1
    • atlasDef_2x2
    • atlasDef_3x2
    • atlasDef_3x3
    • atlasDef_4x1
    • atlasDef_4x4
    • atlasDef_8x1
  • jpg 1+
    • Celestial3 v2
  • tfa 1+
    • archive0
  • tfi 1+
    • index
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: August 8, 2017

Updated: August 22, 2017

Type: ZIP

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 7,689

Downloads: 983

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

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