Super Hotbar

Mod Description

Upgrades your hotbar. Energy Counter and cooldown duration has been enabled!

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
  • fixed position on bard song UI.

1007.5 KB

  • Add support for Sunrise update.

1007.5 KB

  • Add support for Bard update.

903 KB

  • Add background to Delve Cooldown bar (Thanks to TFMHisztike for background image).
  • Add comma (,) to health & energy globes.

903 KB

  • Add abillity cooldowns for discovery mode to adventure mode and adventure mode to discovery mode while in delves

887.6 KB


Upgrades your hotbar. Energy Counter and cooldown duration has been enabled!

Comments and Likes Comments 6

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Good Job!

Could energy counter be changed to match your max energy? There are a few dragons that boost max energy so its not uncommon to have it above 100


Energy value is not available in the UI file, and the 100 energy is really % filled and not actual energy (as it goes below 0 if you have more than 100 energy).

can you please mix that with the stellar silver lite hotbar mod?? because they cant work together and i love the looks of the stellar silver lite hotbar.

Very useful mod, the skill cooldown duration is awesome. Just curious, my classes are mostly 105 Maximum Energy, but the energy counter only shows 100. Why?

The answer to this is a bit in depth. But inside the game files your True energy vaule is 1.0000, I added code to display this and to increase the vaule to a even 100, The reason 105 maximum Energy does not increase the True energy vaule is because "maximum energy" is really "Energy Reduction", what it does is reduce the energy spent on skills and abilities by -5%, if your "maxium energy" was 110 it would be -10% and so on.

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: ExoDave & TheSymbol

Tags: UI

Notes: Upgrade your hotbar. Energy Counter and cooldown durtion has been enabled!

Mod FilesShow

  • swf 1+
    • hotbar

Upgrades your hotbar. Energy Counter and cooldown duration has been enabled!

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Donate to TheSymbol
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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: August 4, 2017

Updated: July 4, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Collaborative Work

Trovesaurus Views: 110,379

Steam Workshop Views: 159,654

Downloads: 83,975

Collaborative Work

This mod is a collaboration between several Trovians.

Upgrades your hotbar. Energy Counter and cooldown duration has been enabled!

Visible on TroveTools