i'm working on some cosmetics for this costume
already have: face, head, hat, hairstyle
working on: weapon (bow - will replace Apex Predator)
maybe later i'll make a sword too
in the near future i'll try to change the skills too
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Tyneris
Notes: Replaces Boomeranger costume lvl 20
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 13+
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_foot_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_foot_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hand_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hand_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_hips
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_pack
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shin_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shin_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shoulder_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_shoulder_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_thigh_l
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_thigh_r
- c_p_adventurer_lvl3_torso
- png 1+
- 2017-06-08 231301
Replaces the lvl 20 Boomeranger costume.
Created: June 8, 2017
Type: TMOD
Original Work
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