ExoDave Easy to see biomes.tmod
Mar 30, 2018
1.29 MB
*Patched to include new sub Biome. - Hero's update.
ExoDave Easy to see biomes.tmod
Nov 17, 2017
1.29 MB
*Updated to include new Biome. - Adventures update.
ExoDave Easy to see
May 22, 2017
907.85 KB
Zip format for custom useage.
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: ExoDave
Tags: UI
Notes: Makes ALL biomes much easier to see. removes all haze/fog Dino clouds, see more!
Mod FilesShow
- binfab 27+
- underwaterlighting/underwaterlighting
- zoneclouds/dinosaur
- zoneclouds/dinosaur_canopy
- zoneclouds/dinosaur_swamp_homeworld
- zonelighting/abnormal
- zonelighting/candy
- zonelighting/cityruins
- zonelighting/default
- zonelighting/desert
- zonelighting/dinosaur
- zonelighting/dragon
- zonelighting/event_saminator
- zonelighting/fae
- zonelighting/forest
- zonelighting/frost
- zonelighting/hub_fall
- zonelighting/hub_spring
- zonelighting/hub_summer
- zonelighting/hub_winter
- zonelighting/isletreasure
- zonelighting/neon
- zonelighting/neon_subbiome
- zonelighting/peaceful
- zonelighting/radiant
- zonelighting/shadow
- zonelighting/spires
- zonelighting/undead
Makes certain biomes much easier to see. Less longterm eye strain.
Improves atomsphere and lighting for
Dragon/fire, frost, fae, sky, hub world.
+CLEAR WATER mod, all biomes will now have clean easy to see water.

Created: May 18, 2017
Updated: March 30, 2018
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 91,684
Steam Workshop Views: 112,339
Downloads: 78,992
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Makes certain biomes much easier to see. Less longterm eye strain.
Improves atomsphere and lighting for
Dragon/fire, frost, fae, sky, hub world.
+CLEAR WATER mod, all biomes will now have clean easy to see water.
Visible on TroveTools