ExoDave Easy to see biomes

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It oversimplifies the lighting too much.

It's nice to see a clear picture, but not a PS1 grade one. It's like I have a GT 210, and I turned all the graphical settings off.

Besides, there are alternatives, released in 2016, called "No More Dark Biomes" and "No More Bright Biomes", created by EtherElysium. =) They remove only the "haze" and "overburn" effects, leaving the lighting and the rest as they are.

Also, "clear water" mod isn't that mandatory, imho.

If only there was a "remove fog" only mod... Too bad it died somewhere in the forums, and never got released to mod collection sites.

I agree with what you said. There are some cons that comes from removing the fog effect. This mod will not be for everyone.

If you don't want to Clear water there is a .zip file where you can pick and choose what files you want.

can we have a zip version? i want to pick which ones i want. thx.

Zip version has been published. Please give this mod a Like, it really helps out.

Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: ExoDave

Tags: UI

Notes: Makes ALL biomes much easier to see. removes all haze/fog Dino clouds, see more!

Mod FilesShow

  • binfab 27+
    • underwaterlighting/underwaterlighting
    • zoneclouds/dinosaur
    • zoneclouds/dinosaur_canopy
    • zoneclouds/dinosaur_swamp_homeworld
    • zonelighting/abnormal
    • zonelighting/candy
    • zonelighting/cityruins
    • zonelighting/default
    • zonelighting/desert
    • zonelighting/dinosaur
    • zonelighting/dragon
    • zonelighting/event_saminator
    • zonelighting/fae
    • zonelighting/forest
    • zonelighting/frost
    • zonelighting/hub_fall
    • zonelighting/hub_spring
    • zonelighting/hub_summer
    • zonelighting/hub_winter
    • zonelighting/isletreasure
    • zonelighting/neon
    • zonelighting/neon_subbiome
    • zonelighting/peaceful
    • zonelighting/radiant
    • zonelighting/shadow
    • zonelighting/spires
    • zonelighting/undead

Makes certain biomes much easier to see. Less longterm eye strain.

Improves atomsphere and lighting for

Dragon/fire, frost, fae, sky, hub world.

+CLEAR WATER mod, all biomes will now have clean easy to see water.

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Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 18, 2017

Updated: March 30, 2018

Type: TMOD

Originality: Inspired Work

Trovesaurus Views: 91,456

Steam Workshop Views: 112,339

Downloads: 78,846

Inspired Work

This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.

Makes certain biomes much easier to see. Less longterm eye strain.

Improves atomsphere and lighting for

Dragon/fire, frost, fae, sky, hub world.

+CLEAR WATER mod, all biomes will now have clean easy to see water.

Visible on TroveTools