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Become the defender of the trovian galaxy with this costume. This costume includes a powerful looking Laser-bow that mows down enemies with style and a stylish space helmet to protect your beautiful face from the unknown!
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: Rosain
Tags: not found
Notes: Become the defender of the trovian galaxy with this costume Replaces Lvl 20 Shadow Hunter Costume Shadome Helmet Practice Bow
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 29+
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_hips
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_cape_01
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_cape_02
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_cape_03
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_foot
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_hand
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_shin
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_shoulder
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_l_thigh
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_cape_01
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_cape_02
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_cape_03
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_foot
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_hand
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_shin
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_shoulder
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_shoulder_a
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_shoulder_t
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_r_thigh
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_torso
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_torso_a
- c_p_shadow_hunter_lvl3_torso_t
- equipment_helm_shadow
- equipment_helm_shadow_a
- equipment_helm_shadow_t
- equipment_weapon_bow_001[destral]
- equipment_weapon_bow_001[destral]_a
- equipment_weapon_bow_001[destral]_s
- equipment_weapon_bow_001[destral]_t
Created: October 11, 2016
Updated: October 23, 2016
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 6,552
Downloads: 1,199
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