Loot Tracker

Mod Description

This ui mod adds additional information on items gathered from a world instance. You can see the total number for gem boxes, resources and even how many times your magic find has triggered!

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

Convert to .tmod format

Play a custom sound when an item is sold on the marketplace (ability to change the sound should be coming soon)

84.1 KB

Small fix to ignore tomes using a name of a resource such as Glim

39.7 KB

Small fix so respawning/death doesn't count as Magic Find trigger

39.7 KB

Initial Version

- Tracks all gem boxes up to shadow

- Tracks all ores

- Tracks most gatherable resources

39.7 KB


This ui mod adds additional information on items gathered from a world instance. You can see the total number for gem boxes, resources and even how many times your magic find has triggered!

Please let me know if there's anything missing or incorrect that you would like to see added.

Comments and Likes Comments 5

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I put this mod in mods folder but I don't see any info of total items in my bags when I gather them. Do I have to configure it somehow?
Okay, sorry, it doesn't show only certain ones. It shows e.g. Glim and Sunlight Bulb, but from Geode Caves it shows nothing.
I'm guessing this is due to the age of this mod.
"ability to change the sound should be coming soon"

"last updated 2016"


this mod disables my loot inventry, i cant see my ores, flux, or any kind of that stuff


edit: it did that with another mod, i think, so ill just disable that one


Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: StormReaper

Tags: not found

Notes: This ui mod adds additional information on items gathered from a world instance. You can see the total number for gem boxes, resources and even how many times your magic find has triggered

Mod FilesShow

  • png 1+
    • loottrackerpreview
  • swf 1+
    • info
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: September 29, 2016

Updated: October 25, 2016

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 66,131

Downloads: 38,035

Visible on TroveTools