Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on July 11, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.
Aug 6, 2020
220.69 KB
Fix for delve
Dec 20, 2016
139.51 KB
Updated to the latest version of the ui file
Nov 4, 2016
139.51 KB
Now also loads settings from "prefabs_test" file using the "$totem_test_key_description" text string (Thanks to Attis for pointing out how to)
Oct 30, 2016
139.48 KB
Changed the mod to .tmod
Updated the default timeoffset to 0, to compensate for the daylight savings removal in EU (if you have the wrong time, use an older version or see the config options in the description)
Added the functionality to set the settings for the mod through translation mods (more on this in the description on trovesaurs)
Added Standard AM/PM functioniality, configurable through a translation mod
clock v0.4.zip
Oct 12, 2016
81.25 KB
Update for the Shadow's Eve Patch, some of the new events were not showing progress correctly
Fix a format bug when reaching midnight (derp)
Oct 5, 2016
81.46 KB
Changed the repositioning to work on all resolutions and any scaling setting. (hopefully!)
Removed the dungeons per min as it was mostly the same value (1-2)
Sep 19, 2016
80.16 KB
Added a variable for a time offset, default is 1 hour ahead for daylight savings time.
Sep 17, 2016
80.07 KB
Initial Version
Created: September 17, 2016
Updated: August 6, 2020
Type: TMOD
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 60,515
Downloads: 57,476
Visible on TroveTools