Tyrant of the Depths Not Submitted

Mod Description

(Yes, I've had this mod on the forums for quite a while, but I only recently made a Trove Toolbox-compatible version. People also seem to be taking a renewed interest in it lately, so I figured I should add it here.)

It's an aquatic version fo the Tomb Raiser, complete with tentacles instead of robes, crabmen as minions, and a unique sea monster as the Goliath.

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.

23.1 KB

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Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 65+
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_chest
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_core
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_hand_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_hand_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_hips
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_shoulder_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_shoulder_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_front_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_front_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_front_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_l_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_l_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_l_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_rear_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_rear_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_rear_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_r_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_r_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skirt_r_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_rope_l_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_rope_l_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_rope_l_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_rope_r_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_skull_rope_r_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_lvl2_ui
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_body
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_foot_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_foot_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_hand_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_hand_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_head
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_shoulder_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_minion_shoulder_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_03
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_04
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_05
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_06
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_body_07
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_foot_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_foot_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_forearm_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_forearm_r_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_forearm_r_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_hand_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_hand_r_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_hand_r_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_head
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_head_jaw_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_head_jaw_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_hips
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_shin_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_shin_r
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_shoulder_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_shoulder_r_01
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_shoulder_r_02
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_skull_shoulder
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_skull_shoulder_jaw
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_thigh_l
    • c_p_tombraiser_ultimate_thigh_r
    • equipment_helm_shadow
    • equipment_weapon_staff_tombraiser

Replaces the Level 10 Tomb Raiser costume, the Shadome helm, the Soul Stealer default staff, and the Tomb Raiser's minions and Goliath.


Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: May 7, 2016

Type: ZIP

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 8,459

Downloads: 983

Visible on TroveTools