This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.
Sep 12, 2015
4.08 KB
This mod Replaces the level 1 Boomeranger costume and the default sword. I got the idea to make this after seeing the Mecha Barbarian mod, but I'm not even close to being able to design something like that. (Link to Mecha Barbarian: I am gonig to start making more mods so I'll eventually get better. Just thought I should state before finishing that this is my first mod.
Hope you like it :D
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 14+
- C_P_adventurer_foot_L
- C_P_adventurer_foot_R
- C_P_adventurer_hand_L
- C_P_adventurer_hand_R
- C_P_adventurer_hips
- C_P_adventurer_pack
- C_P_adventurer_shin_L
- C_P_adventurer_shin_R
- C_P_adventurer_shoulder_L
- C_P_adventurer_shoulder_R
- C_P_adventurer_thigh_L
- C_P_adventurer_thigh_R
- C_P_adventurer_torso
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword_001
Created: September 12, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,503
Downloads: 489
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