This is an older mod with no author set, contact us if this was yours.
Mod FilesShow
- dds 21+
- vfx_arc_01
- vfx_burst_fb2x2_01
- vfx_circle_01
- vfx_circle_02
- vfx_circle_03
- vfx_circle_04
- vfx_circle_06
- vfx_circle_07
- vfx_circle_Death
- vfx_circle_fb2x2_01
- vfx_circle_fb4x4_01
- vfx_gradient_03
- vfx_gradient_04
- vfx_ray_01
- vfx_shuriken_01
- vfx_slash_01
- vfx_smoke_fb5x5_01
- vfx_square_01
- vfx_square_02
- vfx_square_04
- vfx_square_death
- pkfx 19+
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_basicAttack_impact_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_basicAttack_trail_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_cooldown_ready_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_dash_destination_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_dash_origin_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_dash_snare_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_dash_windup_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_flip_decoy_continuous_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_flip_player_continuous_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_charge_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_charge_02
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_charge_03
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_shuriken_projectile_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_shuriken_projectile_02
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_passive_shuriken_projectile_03
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_ultimate_bodyAura_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_ultimate_projectile_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ability_ultimate_weaponTrail_01
- character_pc_neonNinja_ambient_shoulder_trail_01
- blueprint 11+
- C_P_neon_ninja_L_foot
- C_P_neon_ninja_L_hand
- C_P_neon_ninja_L_shin
- C_P_neon_ninja_L_shoulder
- C_P_neon_ninja_L_thigh
- C_P_neon_ninja_R_foot
- C_P_neon_ninja_R_hand
- C_P_neon_ninja_R_shin
- C_P_neon_ninja_R_shoulder
- C_P_neon_ninja_R_thigh
- C_P_neon_ninja_torso
- pkml 5+
- Death decoy
- Death decoy
- vfx_character_pc_neonNinja_ability_decoy_character_01
- vfx_mesh_arc_01
- vfx_mesh_arc_01
- pkmm 5+
- Death decoy
- Death decoy
- vfx_character_pc_neonNinja_ability_decoy_character_01
- vfx_mesh_arc_01
- vfx_mesh_arc_01
- fbx 3+
- Death decoy
- Death decoy
- vfx_character_pc_neonNinja_ability_decoy_character_01
- pkcf 3+
- Death decoy
- Death decoy
- vfx_character_pc_neonNinja_ability_decoy_character_01
- pkat 1+
- atlasDef_5x5
- png 1+
- -new(187)
Replaces lv1 Neon Ninja costume.
Extra information for this mod.
Created: September 8, 2015
Type: ZIP
Original Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,362
Downloads: 821
Not visible on Trove Tools
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