Custom Capes Not Submitted

Mod Description
This is an edit of my old Capes mod, with it anyone should be able to create its custom cape and apply it easily
Different variants of it are available to be selected depending on the needs, please always have only one of them installed
Instructions for the creation and installation of the design can be found within the downloadables section

NEW: Below you can find a link to the public library, where you can download designs made by other players that have submitted them to be featured inside it. Instructions for the submitting process can also be found there

Versions Different versions of files for this mod.
-Short variant of the cape, recommended for complex designs
-Adjusted for most of the characters

Don't forget to read the instructions to know how to install the design, without it nothing will be shown

230 KB

-Short variant of the cape, recommended for complex designs
-Adjusted to fit with Shadow Hunter and Solarion only

Don't forget to read the instructions to know how to install the design, without it nothing will be shown

230.1 KB

-Long variant of the cape, recommended for simple designs
-Adjusted for most of the characters

Don't forget to read the instructions to know how to install the design, without it nothing will be shown

229.8 KB

-Long variant of the cape, recommended for simple designs
-Adjusted to fit with Shadow Hunter and Solarion only

Don't forget to read the instructions to know how to install the design, without it nothing will be shown

229.8 KB


The public library of designs can be accessed here, instructions to have your design uploaded can be seen here

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Quick TMOD

Don't forget to read the instructions to know how to install the design, without it nothing will be shown

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r

Notes: I, Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r, am not responsible for what this mod displays on the back of anyone's character. I don't approve the usage for the display of NSFW content, any message of hatred and/or political agenda

Preview Path: ui/capes.png

Mod FilesShow

  • blueprint 3+
    • equipment_torch_jellyfish_01
    • equipment_torch_lobster_01
    • equipment_torch_manta_01
  • pkfx 3+
    • weapon_aura_torch_fire_01
    • weapon_aura_torch_fire_02
    • weapon_aura_torch_fire_03
  • png 1+
    • capes
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: March 9, 2024

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

Trovesaurus Views: 2,445

Downloads: 579

Visible on TroveTools