Smart Fishing Pools

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Works well most of the time but occasionally the pools either;
Blink in and out of existence every few seconds, while resetting their counter until a new fish is caught in it
Only show up at specific angles and/or distances
In non-ocean biomes might not show up at all for several minutes (Though this could just be a very long unlucky streak on my part


in what value is your VFX Quantity setting set at on video options?

Could you please add sound when rare pool (3 or 4) is met?
Quick TMOD

TMOD MetadataShow

Author: Cr0nicl3D3str0y3r

Notes: Makes fishing pools easier to find through a hologram, marks the area of effect and also shows how many fishes are left inside the poo

Mod FilesShow

  • pkfx 1+
    • character_fishing_water_01
  • png 1+
    • smartfishingpools
All liquids' fishing pools
Info Extra information for this mod.

Created: November 22, 2022

Updated: November 24, 2022

Type: TMOD

Originality: Original Work

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