Changed the specular for the chainsaws and the orange casing
Changed the small holes to be somewhat transparent and reveal a bit of the glowing yellow inside
TMOD MetadataShow
Author: YattyChan
Tags: Costume,Neon Ninja
Notes: Chainsaw man costume for Devilish Simian and Starter Neon Ninja
Mod FilesShow
- blueprint 40+
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_torso
- c_p_neon_ninja_ui[professoriginal]
- equipment_helm[professoriginal]
- equipment_helm[professoriginal]_a
- equipment_helm[professoriginal]_s
- equipment_helm[professoriginal]_t
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword[professoriginal]
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword[professoriginal]_a
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword[professoriginal]_s
- equipment_weapon_1h_sword[professoriginal]_t
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_l_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_foot
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_hand
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_shin
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_shoulder
- c_p_neon_ninja_r_thigh
- c_p_neon_ninja_torso
- c_p_neon_ninja_ui
- equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl1[evilagician]
- equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl1[evilagician]_a
- equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl1[evilagician]_s
- equipment_helm_neonninja_lvl1[evilagician]_t
- equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_182[virtuousrob]
- equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_182[virtuousrob]_a
- equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_182[virtuousrob]_s
- equipment_weapon_1h_blunt_182[virtuousrob]_t
- png 1+
- chainsaw-man
Created: November 6, 2022
Updated: November 8, 2022
Submitted: November 6, 2022
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 4,830
Downloads: 381
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
Chainsaw Man
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