Out of Date - This mod has been marked as out of date on October 4, 2023. This is likely due to the original file being changed by the Trove Team, it is unlikely to continue working and the mod author will need to submit a new version.
Alternative Sigils.tmod
Mar 19, 2023
841.81 KB
Alternative Sigils.tmod
Oct 10, 2022
817.15 KB
I painted the pr sigils in the early stages of PTS and since then the devs updated them one more time, making my design out of date but i can't be bothered to paint new ones again Copege
Alternative Sigils.tmod
Oct 10, 2022
816.65 KB
I painted the pr sigils in the early stages of PTS and since then the devs updated them one more time, making my design out of date but i can't be bothered to paint new ones again Copege
Alternative Sigils.tmod
Aug 9, 2022
737.85 KB
-added glow and sparkles to high mastery wings to make them look more like the official trove wings
-replaced the 40k power rank sigil
- adjusted color balance on the 400-549 mastery wings
-reduced contrast on 10k-35k power rank sigils
-some size adjustments on the 700-849 mastery wings
-small proportion changes on the 550-699 mastery wings
-changed some images for the XP bar
Alternative Sigils - Original XP Bar.tmod
Aug 9, 2022
740.38 KB
-added glow and sparkles to high mastery wings to make them look more like the official trove wings
-replaced the 40k power rank sigil
- adjusted color balance on the 400-549 mastery wings
-reduced contrast on 10k-35k power rank sigils
-some size adjustments on the 700-849 mastery wings
-small proportion changes on the 550-699 mastery wings
Alternate Sigils.tmod.tmod
Aug 8, 2022
694.8 KB
No changes listed
Created: August 8, 2022
Updated: March 19, 2023
Type: TMOD
Inspired Work
Trovesaurus Views: 10,486
Downloads: 2,108
This idea or design of this mod has been inspired by something else.
playerhud.swf is taken from - Obscure UI - Playerhud by Criteox
Visible on TroveTools